
The Top 5 Sources of Inflammation

The Top 5 Sources of Inflammation

Science Based

Written by Amy Myers, MD

What’s the number one root cause of nearly every modern, chronic illness? In my experience, the biggest culprit is often inflammation in the body.

That’s right, many of today’s conditions can be traced back to body inflammation. This includes cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disease, and even cancer.

Even developing countries are seeing an increase in obesity and other diseases. This shows the impact of environmental and food industry changes.1

Fortunately, making a few lifestyle changes can help. One of these changes includes supporting a healthy inflammatory response. I’ll share some of the best supplements for inflammation later on. For now, know that the best supplements for inflammation serve two roles. The first role is to fight off free radicals. The second role of these supplements involves supporting a healthy inflammatory response.

Other changes include minimizing your exposure to inflammatory triggers. These can be environmental or so on. My mission is to empower you to take control of your health, and in this article, I’ll show you how.

Other changes include minimizing your exposure to inflammatory triggers. These can be environmental or so on. My mission is to empower you to take control of your health, and in this article, I’ll show you how.

Inflammation in the Body

Since so many illnesses and diseases can stem from inflammation, how do you know if you’re at risk for increased inflammation in your body? There are several sources of inflammation in the body, and some of these may surprise you. Let’s take a look at the biggest sources of inflammation today.

Inflammation Source 1: Foods

One of the biggest sources of body inflammation comes from the food we eat. In fact, a poor diet accounts for one in five deaths worldwide. Not only that, but it surpassed smoking as the number one cause of death and disability in the U.S.2

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is full of inflammatory foods.Gluten and dairy are the worst, but close behind are fried foods,corn, soy, sugar, and processed junk. These foods wreak havoc on your gut and create inflammation in the body. Left unchecked, it can set you on the path to autoimmune disease and chronic illness. Gluten is linked to over 55 diseases, making it the worst offender by far. Dairy products follow closely behind.3 Other inflammatory trigger foods include grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

Eating a diet that promotes a healthy inflammatory response is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of chronic illness. Aim for plenty of leafy greens, healthy fats, and organic, grass-fed meats. Wild-caught fish are also recommended. Making a smoothie with my Organic Greens powder is a surefire way to maximize your vitamin and mineral intake. Green smoothies also support a healthy inflammatory response. This powder dissolves easily into water or other beverages. Did I mention it is rich in the superfoods and phytonutrients we are missing in our modern diets?

Inflammation Source 2: Leaky Gut

When you have a leaky gut, it’s as if you’re opening a drawbridge. Toxins, microbes, and immune-triggering food particles can get in. These particles then flow freely throughout your bloodstream. This is where they can do some serious damage. A high-carb diet containing many inflammatory foods is one of the main culprits behind a leaky gut. Other factors includemedications and stress. Gut infections such as SIBO andCandida overgrowth, can also lead to leaky gut.

Toxic particles that enter your bloodstream are seen as foreign invaders by your immune system. Your immune system then uses body inflammation to attack them. Think of it in the same way it fights off a virus or bacterial infection. However, as your gut remains leaky, even a simple lunch causes this reaction. This is because food particles are constantly invading your bloodstream. Your immune system sends out wave after wave of inflammation in the body. At some point, your body becomes chronically inflamed.

To naturally support a healthy inflammatory response, it’s imperative to heal the gut lining and help seal the leak. For this, I recommend following the 4R approach. Additionally, try my most comprehensive weapon for overcoming leaky gut, Leaky Gut Revive®. It contains L-glutamine, aloe vera, deglycyrrhizinated licorice, slippery elm, and marshmallow root. These powerful ingredients work well to seal and rebuild a healthy gut lining. There are also other important gut-repairing supplements to include for optimal wellness. Some of my favorites are digestive enzymes, a high-quality probiotic, and collagen.

Inflammation Source 3: Toxins

Environmental toxins are a major source of inflammation in the body. These toxins are all around us — from the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. They’re also in the products we use on our bodies and in our homes.

Every day, we are exposed to most, if not all, of these toxins:

Taming the toxins is an important step to supporting a healthy inflammatory response. Here’s what you can do to minimize your exposure.

Avoid Unnecessary Medications

Be careful when taking certain medications. Antibiotics are often overprescribed as a safety precaution. Many times, however, they can be completely unnecessary.4

Birth control pills are popular for correcting skin or mood imbalances. While hormones play a major role in both, taking artificial solutions can lead to health complications later on. They can also add fuel to the inflammatory fire. Getting to the root cause of your body inflammation is always a more sustainable and long-lasting solution.

Reduce Heavy Metal Exposure

Reduce heavy metals and other pollutants by filtering your air and water. Also, consider seeing a biological dentist to have amalgam fillings removed.

Fish are good for you, but many carry heavy metals. Learn whether farm-raised vs. wild-caught fish contain the least amount of toxins.

You can also support your body’s natural detoxification with Glutathione. Concentrated in your liver, glutathione is your body’s most important molecule when it comes to detoxifying heavy metals. It can help eliminate mercury, aluminum, and cadmium. These all play a role in reducing inflammation in the body.

While your body naturally produces glutathione, sometimes it needs a little help. You’ll find many supplements on the market, but not all of them work the same way. Make sure you’re using a high-quality supplement to help support detoxification.

Ditch the Plastic

Yes, ditch the plastic! Replace plastic water bottles and storage containers with glass or stainless steel.

Go Organic

Try to buy organic whenever possible. If going completely organic is out of your budget, prioritize meat. Buy grass-fed, pasture-raised meat and wild-caught fish. Also, prioritize buying organic produce. The Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) has a list of the Dirty Dozen to avoid. These tend to carry the most pesticide residue.

Choose Non-Toxic Beauty and Cleaning Products

I recommend toxin-free beauty and cleaning products for daily use. My favorite non-toxic personal care brand is Beautycounter. Of course, the best way to ensure you’re getting safe cleaning products is by making your own. Not only is The Autoimmune Solution Cookbook a fantastic resource for recipes that support a healthy inflammatory response, but it also includes simple recipes for natural DIY household cleaners.

Don’t Drink or Smoke

If you haven’t done so already, then quit smoking now! There are many great resources to support you in kicking this habit for good. Limit alcohol consumption as well. These two bad habits are a burden on your immune system and your body as a whole. They accelerate aging and increase your risk of chronic illness.

Inflammation Source 4: Infections

Underlying bacterial and viral infections could be adding to your body inflammation levels. The presence of a virus can trigger your immune system to release antibodies. Some of the most common viruses include Herpes simplex or Epstein-Barr. Common bacteria include Lyme, H. Pylori, and E. coli. If you have an autoimmune disease and are not seeing improvement after changing your diet and lifestyle, test for infections. This may reveal other sources of inflammation in the body that prevent you from reaching optimal health.

Inflammation Source 5: Stress

Stress is more than a feeling — it’s an inflammatory state. When you experience physical, mental, or emotional challenges, your body releases stress hormones. This includes the primary stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol signals your immune system to gear up for fight or flight. Your immune system responds by producing body inflammation. Once the danger has passed, cortisol then signals your immune system to calm down.

When you are chronically stressed, your body never gets the signal to “cool off”. As a result, inflammation in the body runs rampant. This suppresses your overworked immune system, leaving you susceptible to infection, autoimmune disease, and other chronic illnesses. Poor diet, sleep deprivation, or stressful environments can contribute to this process.

Reducing your stress levels can help regulate these hormones. I recommend a nutrient-dense diet, plenty of sleep, and stress-relieving activities. Meditation, deep breathing, or some much-needed “me-time” to emphasize self-care are some examples.

Banish Inflammation in the Body

Now that you know where inflammation in the body comes from, you can take charge of your health! With a few lifestyle changes, you can support a healthy inflammatory response. This can drastically reduce body inflammation, and prevent, and reverse chronic illness.

Plus, you can give yourself a helping hand with Liposomal Curcumin. The right form of curcumin supports a healthy inflammatory response in a variety of ways. For one, it positively impacts the genes that regulate systemic inflammation. It also supports the production of Treg cells. These affect cytokine production. They also neutralize inflammation-causing free radicals throughout your body.

Curcumin supports the reduction of inflammation in the body in several other ways. For example, it’s been shown to positively impact inflammation-mediating compounds such as NF-κB and COX2. Diet, chronic illness, and genetic mutations can disrupt the balance of these compounds.

Liposomal Curcumin may also increase the activity of antioxidants in your body. Some of these include superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH), and lipid peroxides. Finally, Liposomal Curcumin inhibits certain enzymes, mainly lipoxygenase/cyclooxygenase and xanthine hydrogenase/oxidase. These work similarly to Vitamin E, which scavenges free radicals and breaks them apart. From there, they can be transported out of your body as waste. It’s the most bioavailable curcumin on the market today!

Grab your bottle today and enjoy a life of vibrant wellness!