The American Cancer Society predicts roughly 2,001,140 new cancer cases and 611,720 cancer deaths in 2024 (1). What is cancer, and why is it developing in younger populations? We used to think cancer was genetic. Now, research confirms only 5-10% of cancers are genetic (2). If that’s true, what is causing cancer to skyrocket?
Much of what causes cancer has to do with today’s modern lifestyle. Indicating that it is a metabolic disease instead of genetic. Processed foods, leaky gut, stress, infections, and toxins wreak havoc on your health and disrupt your body’s normal ability to function. My 31 year old half sister was diagnosed with stage IV Triple Negative Breast Cancer 15 months ago. I also had my own breast cancer scare last year. So, this is a very personal topic for me.
Conventional medicine believes cancer is an isolated problem in a particular organ rather than a systemic problem. Surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation are the main treatment options. However, I (and other functional medicine doctors) view cancer as a sign of deeper imbalances in the body. That means there are several root causes that contribute to this metabolic disease. As a functional medicine physician, I know the #1 factor to beating cancer is never getting it in the first place. Prevention is KEY! Thankfully, there are many ways to go about this that I will uncover in a new article soon.
This article is going to focus what is cancer and the root causes.
What Is Cancer?
Your cells follow a natural order that helps your body function. This order involves cellular creation, utilization, division, regulation, and disintegration. Your DNA gives instructions to your cells during this process. Something this process goes wrong. When this happens, your DNA usually sends a long chain of signals to stop the cell from continuing. With that said, what is cancer?
Cancer develops when damage occurs to your DNA (3). The damaged instructions then trigger the unregulated growth of abnormal cells. Left unchecked, these cells can grow into tumors. Benign tumors don’t usually spread to other parts of the body and grow much slower. Malignant tumors grow quickly and can spread to other parts of the body. Sometimes, the tumor breaks apart and enters the bloodstream or lymphatic system. When this happens, the cancer has “metastasized.”
There are more than 127 known types of cancer in the world today. Medical experts categorize them according to the location of the cancer. There are skin cancers, blood cancers, and even bone cancer. There are also several types of breast cancer, lung cancer, and nervous system cancer. What makes cancer so dangerous is that it can interfere with healthy tissue function. This is common in metastatic cancers. The spread can lead to organ failure, which is why many people die.
The Nature of Cancer In the Body
Let’s think about the body’s internal environment for a moment. From the moment of conception, your cells begin to vibrate with life and energy. Every system in your body works together to keep you alive and well. One way to answer the “what is cancer” question is to recognize it as an imbalance in these systems. Think about it. When cancer cells grow and spread, it disrupts the body's normal interaction process.
Take pH, for example. Healthy people have a body pH range of between 7.35 and 7.45. Certain factors can influence how acidic or how alkaline your body becomes. Diet, lifestyle, and stress are a few examples. Cancer has a low pH, making it acidic in nature (4). When your body becomes acidic, it creates an ideal environment for cancer to develop.
Cellular Environment Matters
One way your body stays in a more acidic state is through a buildup of toxins in your body’s environment. A lot of today’s food, clothing, and environment come riddled with toxins (5). Your body does its best to filter out these toxins. Even so, the constant onslaught can leave your defense system overworked.
These toxins can enter your tissues and encourage cellular dysfunction. This means they are unable to perform the normal operations they need to keep you healthy. In my interview with Dr. Nasha Winters, we discuss the monumental shift taking place in the medical community. Cancer was previously believed to be a genetic disease. Now, we’re exploring how the extracellular matrix plays a role in cancer development.
The health of your microbiome also plays a role in your risk of developing cancer. Research shows that gut microbes can either promote or restrict cancer development and progression (6). This supports the notion that cancer is also a metabolic disease. Remember in middle school when you learned about the mitochondria? This energy-production center does so much more than we ever thought imaginable! The mitochondria in your cell receive, transcribe, and emit messages to the rest of your body.
Metabolic Syndrome
I cannot stress this idea enough. More and more research confirms that cancer is more a metabolic issue than simply a genetic one. I’m currently enrolled in Dr. Nasha Winters’ course on Integrative Metabolic Oncology Approach to Cancer Treatment. In this course, we’re diving deep into the link between cancer and metabolic syndrome.
Let me explain. Metabolic syndrome is a dysfunction in cellular processes. It increases the risk of developing high blood pressure and high blood sugar. In turn, this leads to excess body fat around the waist. Extra body fat leads to abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.
Cancer interferes with the mitochondrial messages, as well as healthy energy production (7). Your cells need energy to survive. Cancer makes it difficult for cells to sustain life. This impairs function and eventually leads to cellular death.
We could talk about recent scientific breakthroughs all day. Regardless of how it operates, what causes cancer?
What Causes Cancer?
By now, you understand a little more about what is cancer? Next, I want to talk with you about what causes cancer from a functional medicine perspective.

Infections, Parasites and Cancer
Functional medicine attributes the leading causes of cancer to imbalances in the body. One of these deeper imbalances is the presence of chronic infections. These can stem from parasites, activated viruses, or bacterial overgrowth (8). When there is an influx of pathogens in the body, the immune system goes on high alert. This triggers an inflammatory response. If these pathogens do not back down, over time your immune system can begin to weaken. This leads to chronic, systemic inflammation in the body. Consider the relationship between parasites and cancer when addressing the true causes of cancer. Parasites also contribute to autoimmune conditions.
Gut infections and a leaky gut can also add to the mountain of inflammation. I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Alassio Fassano. He discovered how proteins like gluten lead to inflammation and leaky gut. As much as 80% of your immune system lives in your gut. How well it fights against infections (or fails to do so) can influence the development and progression of cancer.
Toxins and Cancer
We are constantly surrounded by toxins. Heavy metals in our food and water, chemicals in our household cleaners, and environmental pollutants are all examples of this. When your body is continually exposed to these, eventually, they build up in your body. These toxins can disrupt cellular function by attaching to receptors on the cell membrane (9). This blocks vital nutrients from getting in, and it keeps waste from getting out. This buildup can trigger more inflammation, leading to DNA damage and, eventually cancer development.
Molds and mycotoxins are other causes of cancer you may not have thought about. We come in contact with mycotoxins every day through what we eat, touch, and breathe in. These toxic fungal byproducts have the potential to cause genetic mutations, which can trigger cancer to grow (10). In my podcast episode with Dr. Jill Charnahan, we discussed how mycotoxins affect the immune system. We also went over how glutathione can help your body get rid of these toxins safely and effectively.
EMF and Cancer
Much of our fast-paced world comes from the progression of communication. Cell phones, tablets, and Wi-Fi are faster than ever before. They’re also emitting more radiation than ever before. There’s no question that radiation and cancer go hand-in-hand. Radiation can alter and damage DNA. It can even impede mitochondrial function. The mitochondria are the energy-producer of your cells. If it’s damaged, it can cause a ripple effect that leads to fatigue, accelerated aging, and genetic malfunctions.
Even small amounts of regular exposure can have detrimental effects. Several studies confirm how EMF radiation can alter genetic expression and induce oxidative stress (11). Some people share concerns that 5G and similar radiation is one of the many causes of cancer.
Poor Diet and Cancer
What you eat can make a big difference in your risk of developing cancer. In fact, the link between diet and cancer is undeniable. The Standard American Diet (SAD) is one I recommend you avoid at all costs. This diet has a high intake of carbohydrates, processed foods, and refined sugars. Meanwhile, there is a very low fruit and vegetable intake. Poor diets like this have a strong connection to inflammation and chronic disease (12). This leads to a more acidic pH in the body as well.
Eating colorful, whole fruits and vegetables provides antioxidants and polyphenols your body needs to protect your cells against DNA damage. I talk about this a lot in my podcast with Dr. Deanna Minich. Eating non-GMO, grass fed meats is also something I recommend. Adding healthy oils and omega-3 fatty acids helps promote a healthy inflammatory response. In addition, it keeps your body more alkaline and within a healthy pH range.
Stress and Cancer
One of the causes of cancer that seems to hide behind the scenes is stress. No one can avoid stress all the time. However, it’s important to understand how the mind-body connection works. When you’re chronically stressed, you can weaken your immune system. This makes it harder for it to fight off inflammation, which can promote cancer growth (13). Unresolved emotional trauma can also be a source of stress. Your body interprets physical and emotional stress the same way. Hurt, grief, bitterness, and unforgiveness affect the body in ways we’re only beginning to discover. Understanding the connection between stress and cancer can help you find ways to relax, as well as heal.
Lifestyle and Cancer
Not getting enough sleep affects many aspects of your health. Not only does it disrupt your circadian rhythm, but it also throws off your hormones. It also weakens your immune system. The same goes for not participating in regular exercise. Many people live sedentary lifestyles, which leads to increased blood pressure, weight gain, and unhealthy cholesterol levels (14). This can lead to metabolic disorders, which are a precursor to cancer.
You Have More Control Over Your Body
The causes of cancer vary from person to person. Conventional medicine wants you to believe it’s all genetics, but I have good news for you. You have more control over your body and cancer than you think!
Conventional medicine focuses on treating cancer with surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. These aggressive and often harmful treatments may help, but they come with a price. Functional medicine views cancer as a sign of deeper imbalances in the body. It takes a more holistic approach to health and wellness and is gaining the attention of patients and physicians alike.
As for what causes cancer, there are many factors to consider. For instance, there are many links between diet and cancer. Metabolic disease and cancer is a major factor. Studies also show a connection between parasites and cancer. Toxins, chronic stress, and emotional health can also contribute to the development of cancer. Addressing these root causes is key to both prevention and treatment of cancer. In my podcast with Dr. Josh Axe, we discuss how positive thinking can shape our perspective and help us overcome life’s challenges.
The Final Word on What Is Cancer & What Are the Causes of Cancer?
The word cancer sparks a range of emotions. Many people wonder what is cancer and how they can avoid it. When there is a disruption in the genetic sequence of your cells, abnormal cells can develop, grow, and spread. This is what cancer is. However, like other functional medicine practitioners, I believe cancer is a metabolic disease.
As for the causes of cancer, there are many different possible root causes. Poor diet, stress, and chronic infections all play a role. Radiation and toxins can also contribute to the growing number of cancer cases. Thankfully, it’s not just your genetics. In fact, this is why cancer and autoimmunity share similar root causes.
If the thought of developing cancer scares you, you’re not alone. I, too, went through a similar situation. That’s why I aim to help you prevent your cancer risk and live in optimal health! There are several steps you can take today to reduce your risk of developing cancer. Eating more whole foods, getting more rest, and reducing stress help. Addressing chronic infections and parasites can make a difference as well.
Incorporating my signature AutoImmune Support Protocol can also help promote healthier inflammatory response and detoxification processes. These all work together to keep you healthy and continue to live our mission. Check out my podcast for in-depth discussions on some of the latest cancer treatments available!
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