Protocol Guide

Candida Support

In an ideal world, your good gut bacteria would always live in harmony with candida yeast. However, gut imbalance happens. This is where candida overgrowth can occur. Cleaning up your diet and adding high-quality supplements can help strengthen and balance your gut health.

Deep Dive

How Does Candida Overgrowth Happen?

When there’s candida overgrowth, the delicate balance of microorganisms in the gut is disrupted. This allows yeast to overgrow and run rampant in your intestinal tract, and even throughout the rest of your body. The overgrown yeast disturbs your gut's normal activity, impacts every system of your body, and eventually leads to leaky gut. This can lead to chronic inflammation, and potentially even autoimmune conditions.

AMMD Candida Support Protocol image with Probiotic 100 Billion Capsules, Complete Enzyme Capsules, Leaky Gut Revive® powder, Candifense® Capsules, Paleo Protein Vanilla Bean powder, Caprylic Acid Capsules, Coconut Charcoal Capsules, and Immune IG powder.
The Myers Way®

Candida Support Protocol

Sale Price: $291.38 Originally: $324.87

Want to Take Back Your Health™? The Candida Support Protocol equips you with the right tools and information you need to support your body, health, and sense of well-being. 


  • Probiotic 100 Billion helps promote beneficial microflora populations in the GI tract.†
  • Leaky Gut Revive® soothes digestive tract.†
  • ImmuneIG supports GI barrier function.†
  • Complete Enzymes supports the digestive process.†
  • Vanilla Bean Paleo Protein supports gut barrier function.†
  • Candifense® supports digestion by promoting a balanced gut microbiome.†
  • Caprylic Acid supports healthy digestion and intestinal balance.†
  • Coconut Charcoal helps alleviate gas and bloating.†


  • 30-Day Guide
  • Gut Health for Life Roadmap
  • Progress Tracker
  • Recipes
  • Shopping List
  • Supplement Guide

Why I Designed This Protocol

I know how frustrating and life-altering candida overgrowth can be. I've seen it first-hand in my clinic and I have seen the incredible transformation that patients experience by finally getting the help and guidance they need. When the gut microflora returns to a healthy state of equilibrium, and balance is restored, I’ve witnessed energy and vitality return, mental clarity restored, and chronic symptoms fade away.
When the gut microflora return to a healthy state of equilibrium, and balance is restored, I’ve witnessed energy and vitality return, mental clarity restored, and chronic symptoms fade away.
Signature image

Frequently Asked Questions about Candida

How Do I know if I have Candida Overgrowth?

There are several labs you can take to determine whether you have candida including

  • a
  • b
  • c
  • d

What should I do if I have Candida AND SIBO?


How will I know if my Gut is balanced?


Which type of probiotics is best when dealing with Candida overgrowth?
