Protocol Guide

Leaky Gut Support

Leaky gut syndrome occurs when the lining of your small intestine becomes damaged. This allows undigested food particles, toxins, and bacteria to "leak" through the intestinal wall and enter your bloodstream. Cleaning up your diet and adding high-quality supplements can help strengthen and balance your gut health.

Deep Dive

How Does Leaky Gut Happen?

While there is no single root cause of leaky gut syndrome, several factors have been linked, including poor diet, environmental toxins, and long-term stress.
The Myers Way®

Leaky Gut Support Protocol

Sale Price: $285.11 Originally: $317.90

Want to Take Back Your Health™? The Leaky Gut Protocol equips you with the right tools and information to support your body, health, and well-being. 


  • Probiotic 100 Billion helps promote beneficial microflora populations in the GI tract.†
  • Leaky Gut Revive® soothes digestive tract.†
  • Liposomal Curcumin supports the body's immune response and elimination of free radicals.†
  • Organic Greens supports detoxification.†
  • ImmuneIG supports GI barrier function.†
  • Complete Enzymes supports the digestive process.†
  • Vanilla Bean Paleo Protein supports gut barrier function.†


  • Guide to the Gut
  • 30-Day Guide
  • Detox Guide
  • Sleep Guide
  • Recipes
  • Supplement Guide
  • Gut Health for Life Roadmap

Why I Designed This Protocol

I believe that the gut is the gateway to your health. If you are looking for a solution to occasional seasonal allergies, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, energy issues, or you suffer from more chronic illnesses such as autoimmunity, then you’ve come to the right place. You see, it all starts in the gut. By implementing the Leaky Gut Protocol, you’ll learn all about your symptoms, what “leaky gut” is, and what causes it.
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