
Sources of High Protein

Sources of High Protein

Science Based

Written by Amy Myers, MD

There are many ways to get protein in your diet. Fish, poultry, legumes, and some grains are great choices. While fresh and organic protein sources are best, sometimes it’s hard to squeeze that into your lifestyle. This is where paleo protein powder can come in!

I’m often asked which protein source is the best. First, let’s talk about what protein is, and why you need it. Then I’ll discuss why I advocate for animal proteins and what the best sources are. Last but certainly not least, you’ll discover how adding a protein powder supplement like The Myers Way® Paleo Protein can help fill any nutritional gaps in your diet.

I’m often asked which protein source is the best. First, let’s talk about what protein is, and why you need it. Then I’ll discuss why I advocate for animal proteins and what the best sources are. Last but certainly not least, you’ll discover how adding a protein powder supplement like The Myers Way® Paleo Protein can help fill any nutritional gaps in your diet.

Why You Need Protein

Proteins are long chains of amino acids. Different sequences of amino acids create different protein structures in the body. These different structures determine the protein’s function.1

You need proteins to survive. Proteins are the most sophisticated molecules in the human body.2 They carry out most of your body’s molecular reactions and assist in the formation of new molecules. They provide structure and support for tissues and organs.3

Proteins also help antibodies fight off viruses and bacteria.

Nonessential amino acids are amino acids we can make, even if we’re not eating protein. Essential amino acids are amino acids we can’t make. We must get these critical building blocks by eating enough protein.

The richest protein sources include animal products. You’re likely familiar with examples such as meat, poultry, fish, dairy, and eggs. Almonds, pumpkin seeds, legumes, lentils, and peanut butter are also protein sources.

Getting enough protein is critical to your health. Protein deficiencies occur in many communities, typically due to poor diet.4 In fact, it’s estimated that one billion people around the world don’t get enough protein.5

Plant Protein vs. Animal Protein

When it comes to plant protein vs. animal protein, animal protein is the clear winner. Plant proteins like nuts and seeds generally don’t provide all essential amino acids. Plus, they can all be difficult to digest and some are quite inflammatory. Inflammation can lead to gut imbalances like leaky gut, Candida overgrowth, and SIBO. Left unchecked, this inflammation can lead to autoimmune diseases.

What about animal byproducts such as dairy and eggs? Dairyproducts like cottage cheese and yogurt are touted as high-protein diet options that can help you lose weight. Regardless of whether you want to gain or lose weight, I advise that everyone avoid dairy. It can result in inflammation, digestive issues, and even acne.Likewise, eggscan provoke an inflammatory response in some of the population. That’s due to bioactive compounds that can increase inflammation levels in the body.6

That leaves us with meat, poultry, and fish. These complete proteins contain essential amino acids, easy to digest and absorb7 So what’s the best choice?

Wild-Caught Fish & Seafood

Certain fish, such as wild-caught salmon, are famous for their high-quality protein. They are also high in Omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, vitamin D, and minerals. These nutrients support growth and brain function8 The best part about high-protein fish is its abundance of polyunsaturated fats (in the form of Omega-3s.) Despite this, there are some drawbacks to eating fish and seafood.

High-quality, wild-caught fish is a pricier option than other dietary sources of protein. Farmed fish is less expensive. The downside is that overcrowded conditions tend to promote disease and parasite outbreaks. Farmers treat these with pesticides and antibiotics.9 Fish may also contain toxins such as mercury that can affect your nervous system.10,11

Grass-Fed Meat & Poultry

Another excellent source of protein is organic, grass-fed meat. There are so many choices depending on the animal, the cut, and where and how it was raised. Lean, red meat such as bison is low in total fat and salt. Untrimmed beef, lamb, and pork are higher in total and saturated fat.12

In addition to protein, meat and poultry are high in fat-soluble vitamins, amino acids, iron, zinc, and more. They’re some of the most nutrient-dense foods.13

Yet, dark poultry and red meat have a bad reputation. Some studies show that fatty meats like beef liver, brisket, ribs, and steak can increase LDL cholesterol levels.

Fortunately, you can still get many vitamins and minerals from lean proteins. The best lean proteins include skinless, white-meat poultry, bison, and pork loin. You can also get this from leaner cuts of beef. Additionally, organic meat and poultry have less toxins, chemicals, growth hormones, and antibiotics.

Fresh cuts of meat, poultry, and fish, are one option. If you’re on the go a lot or enjoy baking, paleo protein powder is another way to get enough protein in your diet.

Protein Powder Supplement

If it’s challenging to get enough clean, high-protein foods, supplementing can help. Interestingly enough, one-third of adults over age 50 don’t meet daily protein recommendations.14

One way to ensure ample amounts of protein in your diet is with a quality protein powder supplement. I’ve talked before about plant-based protein, whey protein powders, and what you should avoid inthis article. Now let’s look at the differences between fish and beef protein powders.

Fish Protein Powders

Fish powder does contain proteins, fats, and amino acids. Yet, there are some problems, including the quality of the source. Unlike marine protein powders from seaweed and algae, fish protein powder comes from discarded parts of the fish. Some of these parts include fish heads and dorsal fins. So, the protein content depends on raw materials, additives, and moisture content. This means it may only be 65% protein!15

Not only that, but these protein powders usually have a fishy taste! The lingering fishy aftertaste comes from the fat in the fish. That fat carries the most flavor, so it’s almost impossible to remove from fish protein powder.16

The fat in fish is also prone to oxidation (a degradation process). This can result in a rancid flavor.17 Some people incorporate fish protein into fish cakes or soup, although it won’t be good in smoothies.

Fish protein is also available in capsule form. Though capsules are convenient and require little preparation, they don’t contain much protein. For example, it takes at least 32 fish protein capsules to equal one scoop of my Paleo Protein!

Hydrolyzed Bovine Collagen

There are many types of protein powder supplements on the market. When looking for a quality protein powder, I recommend collagen protein from cows. Whey is a common ingredient in protein powder supplements, but some people have a hard time digesting it.

This is why I advocate for hydrolyzed bovine collagen protein. Hydrolyzed formulas make it easier to digest and absorb. It’s also important to make sure it’s sourced from reputable companies who treat their animals ethically.

The best bovine collagen protein powder supplement meets these requirements:

  • No gluten or dairy
  • No sugar or artificial sweeteners
  • No additives, preservatives, dyes, or other toxic ingredients
  • Sourced from non-GMO, grass-fed beef
  • Rich in collagen-specific amino acids

Unlike some proteins from plants and animals, hydrolyzed bovine collagen protein is typically flavorless. This makes it a versatile addition to your diet.

I went five years without enjoying a protein smoothie because I couldn’t find a powder that truly met my needs. I finally decided enough was enough and created The Myers Way® Paleo Protein Powder! My Paleo Protein powder is gluten and dairy free and are approved for Keto and Paleo protocols. I partner with companies that source non-GMO, grass-fed cattle. These cattle are never given unnecessary drugs such as antibiotics or hormones.

My protein powder supplements are available in several delicious flavors. That’s right, you can choose between Vanilla Bean, Double Chocolate, and Mocha Latte. Each contains around 21 grams of protein per serving. I also offer an Unflavored option that contains no stevia leaf sweetener.

You don’t have to settle for a protein powder supplement with sub-par nutritional value, inflammatory ingredients, and a terrible taste. The Myers Way® Paleo Proteins are delicious, nutritious, and AIP friendly! Best of all, they can help you get the many health benefits of a protein-rich diet.