Various fermented foods in mason jars - Health Experts Don't Say About Fermented Foods - Amy Myers MD®
Amy Myers, MD - Changing My Diet Reversed My Autoimmune Disease
Health Focus
The Steps I Took To Reverse Autoimmune Disease
Reversing autoimmune disease is possible by addressing its root causes and adopting a functional approach to healing. Conventional medicine often focuses on symptom management through medications, but the key to how to reverse autoimmune disease lies in identifying and eliminating inflammatory triggers. By following a targeted approach rooted in functional medicine, you can learn how to reverse autoimmune disease and take back your health.
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Woman smiling - What Are the Signs Leaky Gut Is Healing? - AMMD™
Gut Health
What Are the Signs Leaky Gut Is Healing?
Leaky gut occurs when the intestinal lining becomes compromised, allowing toxins and undigested food particles to enter the bloodstream. This potentially leads to inflammation, digestive issues, and autoimmune conditions. Healing leaky gut involves following a comprehensive protocol to remove irritants, restore essential nutrients, reinoculate with probiotics, and repair the gut lining with targeted supplements like Leaky Gut Revive® and collagen. Learn more about the signs leaky gut is healing.
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Bottles of milk - Milk Alternatives To Try & Which Ones Should You Avoid - Amy Myers MD®
Health Focus
Milk Alternatives To Try & Which Ones Should You Avoid
Are you looking for the best milk alternative to replace dairy? While dairy milk can contribute to gut issues, inflammation, and other health concerns, there are plenty of milk alternatives to explore. Coconut milk and hemp milk stand out for supporting a healthy inflammatory response and being nutrient-rich, while almond and hazelnut milk provide delicious, low-carb options. However, some options like cashew and pistachio milk may require caution due to sensitivities. While others such as soy, oat, pea, rice, and banana milk should be avoided due to digestive issues, added sugars, or low nutritional value. Discover the best milk alternative to support your health!
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Top 4 Supplements For Autoimmune Disease - Amy Myers MD®
Health Focus
Top 4 Supplements For Autoimmune Disease
For those managing autoimmune disease, specific supplements can be essential in supporting immune balance, a healthy inflammatory response, and promoting overall health. Autoimmune supplements like glutathione, curcumin, resveratrol, and L-glutamine help address nutrient deficiencies common in autoimmune conditions due to chronic inflammation and impaired nutrient absorption. Together, these supplements for autoimmune disease work synergistically to support optimal immune function and overall well-being.
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Are Eczema and Dandruff Signs of Candida Overgrowth?
Are Eczema and Dandruff Signs of Candida Overgrowth?
Skin conditions like eczema and dandruff may indicate Candida overgrowth, a gut imbalance that can lead to a range of symptoms. When Candida overgrows, it disrupts the microbiome, leading to digestive issues and possibly leaky gut, which allows toxins to enter the bloodstream and trigger inflammation that manifests on the skin. Identifying Candida as a root cause and following a targeted approach to restore gut health can help manage symptoms naturally, providing relief from skin issues and supporting overall wellness.
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Woman adding spinach to a blender - 5 Foods To Fight Gas and Bloating - Amy Myers MD®
Gut Health
5 Foods To Fight Gas and Bloating
Bloating and gas are common but uncomfortable digestive issues that can often be managed with the right dietary choices. Learn which foods fight gas and bloating and which foods trigger symptoms.
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Coffee beans and ground coffee - The Benefits of a Coffee Enema - Amy Myers MD®
The Benefits of a Coffee Enema
The article provides step-by-step instructions for performing a coffee enema at home, including preparation, administration, and post-procedure care. Explore the benefits of doing a coffee enema at home!
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Person holding an ear of corn with a bite taken out of it - What Are Gluten Cross-Reactive Foods? - AMMD™
Health Focus
What Are Gluten Cross-Reactive Foods?
Did you know that there are foods that your body might think are gluten? It’s true! The process is called gluten cross-reactivity. If you eat gluten cross-reactive foods, you may feel all the symptoms of getting “glutened” even if gluten didn’t pass your lips!
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Woman laying on floor exhausted during work out - What is Hypoproteinemia and What to Do About it - AMMD™
Health Focus
What is Hypoproteinemia and What to Do About it
I’ve said a thousand times that getting enough protein in your diet is not just important– it’s crucial! Yet, what happens when you don’t get enough, and what is the solution? A protein deficiency, while uncommon, can develop for various reasons, including certain health conditions and diets lacking in protein.1 The medical term for a protein deficiency is hypoproteinemia.
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Man holding his wrist - Common Autoimmune Diseases in Men - Amy Myer MD®
Health Focus
Common Autoimmune Diseases in Men
Autoimmune disease in men is not a topic that is discussed very often. Women generally are more prone to develop an autoimmune disease than men, and it’s pretty disproportionate. Statistics tell us that autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis (75% women to 25% men), rheumatoid arthritis (80/20), and lupus and Hashimoto’s (90/10) are much more common in women.
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Woman holding pill and water cup - Low-Dose Naltrexone for Autoimmunity - Amy Myers MD®
Health Focus
Low-Dose Naltrexone for Autoimmunity?
Low-dose Naltrexone (LDN) has been touted as a panacea by many with autoimmunity. Whenever I speak on the topic of autoimmunity or thyroid health, it is often one of the first things I am asked about. Do I recommend LDN? Does it really work? Which autoimmune diseases does it work for? How do you use it?
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