
Red Superfoods Missing From Your Diet

Red Superfoods Missing From Your Diet

Science Based

Written by Amy Myers, MD

You may have seen advertisements for greens superfood powders. Green superfoods are becoming increasingly popular because of their robust health benefits, and so are their counterparts red superfoods!

Superfood powders pack a punch of nutritional benefits. For one, they’re bursting with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Another powerful benefit is that these are relatively low in calories.1Greens are great, yet many people don’t know about red powders.

Reds powder has several healthy benefits. Many of these benefits you cannot get from green superfood powders. I’m going to tell you about all the benefits of a reds powder, including the red superfoods. I’ll also go over the differences between a reds powder and a greens powder. Before I get into that, let’s learn about the red superfoods you may not know about.

Reds powder has several healthy benefits. Many of these benefits you cannot get from green superfood powders. I’m going to tell you about all the benefits of a reds powder, including the red superfoods. I’ll also go over the differences between a reds powder and a greens powder. Before I get into that, let’s learn about the red superfoods you may not know about.What are Red Superfoods?

Red superfoods in reds powder are exactly what the words say. They’re red, nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables. Berries make up a large portion of the red superfoods team. This includes berries such as goji berries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and cranberries. Berries are considered superfoods because they are rich in free radical fighting antioxidants. Antioxidants are a critical partner to have in staying healthy.

Red superfoods don’t stop with berries, though. Pomegranates, grape seeds, and cherries are also a big part of the red superfoods team.

While fruits are in the red superfoods family, beets and carrots are also included on this team. Beets are full of folate and nitrates, which promotes cell growth and function. They also work as free radical scavengers. This helps reduce oxidative damage and lower the risk of heart disease.

Even though carrots are orange in color, they are also considered a red superfood. That’s because of their conteroid content. Carrots are full of vitamin A and beta carotene. These vital nutrients help regulate blood-glucose levels, support healthy bones and eye health. Let’s talk more about the benefits of these red superfoods found in most red powders.

Benefits of Red Superfoods

I’ve briefly discussed some of the benefits of red superfoods found in a lot of red powders. However, let’s dive deeper into why red powder is chock full of these superfoods.

Red Superfoods are Phytonutrients

Most plant foods contain thousands of naturally occurring chemicals. These chemicals go by the name phytonutrients, which naturally protect the plants from germs, fungus, and bugs.

2 They are basically a natural pesticide that doesn’t have the same harmful effects as GMOs. Also, they don’t contain pesticides that can add to your body’s toxic burden.

There are more than 25,000 phytonutrients found in plant foods. One of those is carotenoids, which gives red superfoods their color. Carotenoids act as antioxidants in your body, fighting off free radicals. Vitamin A and beta-carotene are carotenoids that support a variety of body functions. Some examples include your immune system, your bone health, eye health and regulating blood glucose levels.

Red Superfoods are High in Fiber

You likely grew up hearing you need to eat more fiber in your diet. It’s for good reason, because fiber is essential for optimal health. Fiber is famous for preventing and relieving constipation. However, fiber is also beneficial for a number of other functions. For example, it helps remove “bad” cholesterol, regulates blood glucose levels. Fiber also helps you feel full longer. Imagine how helpful this can be for cutting down on the unhealthy snacking we all indulge in from time to time.

Fiber breaks down into two groups: soluble or insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water, whereas insoluble fiber doesn’t. Soluble fiber swells with water in your gut. This slows down how quickly your body absorbs glucose in your bloodstream. Soluble fiber also binds to low-density lipoproteins, or LDL cholesterol. From here, it’s carried out of your body in waste.3 Eating more soluble fiber can also help you burn fat. In one study, a 10-gram increase in daily soluble fiber intake reduced belly fat by 3.7%.4

Getting enough fiber will depend on the amount of soluble fiber found in the fruit and vegetable you eat. That said, most red superfoods contain optimal amounts of soluble fiber. For example, one cup of berries contain anywhere between 0.3 and 1.1 grams of soluble fiber. Another example is one cup of beets contains 3.4 grams of soluble fiber.5

Red Superfoods are Full of Micronutrients

Your body needs around 30 key vitamins and minerals daily to function properly. These nutrients can be either water soluble or fat soluble micronutrients.

Try to consume water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C, beta carotene, folic acid (B9), and other B vitamins daily. The reason for this is that your body doesn’t store these vitamins. Whatever isn’t used gets eliminated through your urine. Water-soluble vitamins enable your body to:

  • Produce and release energy
  • Build proteins and cells
  • Make collagen

Your body can store excess fat-soluble vitamins in your liver and fatty tissues. Although these vitamins are not stored in your body, I recommend consuming them daily. Most of us do not have adequate stores of nutrients, and they are so critical to a healthy, vibrant life. These include vitamins A, D, E and K. Fat-soluble vitamins allow your body to:

  • Build strong bones
  • Maintain healthy vision
  • Protect the body, serving as antioxidants
  • Interact favorably with other vitamins, facilitating absorption

Minerals are also stored in your body. A great example of this is calcium in your bones. Your body absorbs the minerals it needs and excretes the excess. Your body stores minerals primarily for structure and metabolism. Vitamins store for nutrient reserves. Minerals play a pivotal role in your body as well:

  • Sodium, chloride, and potassium helps maintain water balance
  • Calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium supports bone health
  • Iron helps your body make hemoglobin, a protein used to carry oxygen to all parts of your body.

Superfoods found in red powders are full of these essential micronutrients!

Red Superfoods are Free Radical Fighters

As I’ve mentioned previously, red superfoods contain a lot of free radical fighting antioxidants.

Everything, including the cells in our bodies, are made up of atoms that contain a nucleus. The nucleus is further made up of protons and neutrons. Moving electrons surround the nucleus. These electrons are typically attached to atoms in pairs.

When atoms have the required number of electrons, they are stable. When an atom has an odd number of electrons, it goes on the hunt for a spare electron throughout your body. That way, it can attempt to replace the missing electron and become stable. The molecules that are missing an electron become free radicals. From there, they try to steal electrons from healthy cells and damage them.

Antioxidants are molecules that fight these scavengers by lending them an electron. This process neutralizes the free radical and stops it from causing more damage in your body.6 All berries have antioxidants, but blueberries contain the highest amount. Just one cup of blueberries contains 13,427 total antioxidants.7

6 Essential Red Superfoods

Now that you know all the benefits of red superfoods, let’s discuss which are essential to your diet. Let me tell you about the six red superfoods you need to include in your diet. I will also tell you how you can get all of the benefits of these superfoods in one place. That’s right, you can enjoy all the benefits of red superfoods in a convenient reds powder!

1. Raspberries

These red berries might be small, but they pack a big healthy punch! The potassium in raspberries helps to support healthy blood pressure and heart health. They also provide manganese, a mineral that regulates blood sugar and supports healthy bones and skin.8

Raspberries make a great snack on their own. They are also an excellent addition to decadent desserts. Add them to this Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Dessert Pizza.

2. Cranberries

These berries may be a Thanksgiving Day staple, but I believe we should celebrate them all year around. Cranberries have one of the highest levels of phenols, a type of antioxidant. They are also chock-full of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are compounds that promote a healthy inflammatory response and support cardiovascular health.9

This Ginger-Cranberry Sauce is a great substitute for the traditional Thanksgiving cranberry sauce. It will be the star of the spread! Cranberries are also great dried and tossed into a salad or as a touch of sweetness in granola.

3. Strawberries

Strawberries are the all-stars of the berry family. These summer fruits pack in a lot of nutrients in one little berry. Perhaps the biggest nutritional value from strawberries is that they pack a lot of vitamin C in each serving. Just eight strawberries have more of this vitamin than a glass of orange juice.10 Strawberries are also full of manganese and potassium. These nutrients keep your muscles flexible and promote heart health.

I love eating fresh strawberries right out of the package. They also add a sweet touch to salads and are the perfect topper for a sweet treat. This Strawberry Banana Panna Cotta is a great example of this!

4. Tart Cherries

When you think of cherries, you might think of the sweet variety found in the summer. Tart cherries generally are not eaten as regularly as their sweeter siblings. However, tart cherries are a great source of vitamin A. Vitamin A is also known as retinol. Retinol supports eye health and promotes a healthy inflammatory response.11

Tart cherries pair well with a sweet dessert, especially one with chocolate. Try this Gut-Repairing Black Forest Smoothie. For an added healthy treat, add the The Myers Way® Double Chocolate Paleo Protein!

5. Pomegranate

Pomegranates look a bit like apples, but I bet you didn’t know they are actually berries. The edible part of a pomegranate is the seeds, called arils. You can find the seeds inside its red skin. Full of antioxidants, they’re also filled with vitamins C and K. They’re also a good source of folate and potassium.12 Vitamin K helps create blood clots and slows bleeding. Vitamin K also helps regulate calcium in your bloodstream.

Like many other berries, pomegranate seeds are a perfect fit for any healthy salad. These Sour Pomegranate Magnesium Gummies are an excellent way to reap the benefits of this fascinating fruit.

6. Beets

Whether you love them or hate them, beets have an impressive health profile. These root vegetables have high amounts of nitrates. Nitrates support low blood pressure and lowers your risk of heart disease. Beets also provide a wide variety of key nutrients. Some of the biggest include vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, magnesium, manganese, potassium and iron.

Even if you don’t like beets, there are ways to incorporate them into your diet. This Organic Fresh Beet, Carrot, Kale, and Ginger Juice is a delicious way to do exactly that! My Organic Reds makes it easy to get the benefits of beetroot powder.

How To Get More Red Superfoods In Your Diet

It’s always ideal to get these incredible red superfoods from real, whole foods. That said, these won’t always be available, in season, or contain all the essential nutrients your body needs. That is why I have spent the last year researching and formulatingOrganic Reds. It’s the first-ever reds powder developed by a physician!

One scoop of Organic Reds is a nutritional powerhouse in a reds powder. It’s also 100% certified USDA organic! I personally designed this reds powder for vibrant daily energy, glowing skin, and optimal circulation. Each scoop delivers a powerful polyphenol-rich blend of red superfoods that are all too often missing from the modern diet.

Organic Reds superfood powder tastes just like fruit punch! I love it stirred into a glass of water. If it’s a hot day outside, I’ll add a few ice cubes for a delicious chilled treat. You can also add it to smoothies, juice, tea or desserts for a burst of nutrients. I achieved the fruit punch flavor after many revisions. The secret lies in using ONLY certified organic natural flavors. I also use certified organic monk fruit extract for a hint of sweetness.

Organic Greens vs. Organic Reds

Red is the new green, yet both are important for optimal health. Both Organic Greens and Organic Reds powders contain essential superfoods. But, they both provide different nutritional benefits. That’s why they are best when paired together.

Organic Greens powder includes vegetables such as broccoli, kale and spinach. These vegetables are high in vitamins A and C, as well as magnesium, calcium and iron. Adding more green leafy vegetables into your diet can support a healthy life in a variety of ways. Leafy greens support brain health, fight belly bloat, and help relieve stress. They also support healthy bones, optimal aging, boost digestive enzymes, and tame the toxins.

Organic Reds powder contains red superfoods & phytonutrients often missing from our diets. Prime examples of this include beets, berries, carrots, and tart cherries. Adding more red superfoods can facilitate healthy blood flow and vascular elasticity. Healthy blood flow supports healthy blood pressure. Healthy blood flow also reduces oxidative damage from free radicals. It also supports a healthy fat metabolism and healthy skin.

You can get both in our Organic Superfoods Kit, a spectacular combination of Organic Greens & Organic Reds superfoods powders. The Organic Superfoods Kit contains a combined total of 27 certified organic superfood fruits and veggies. Not only that, but it also contains adaptogens. This is a winning combination for vibrant daily energy, glowing skin, and total-body health.

I’m so excited about my Organic Reds powder! The health benefits of red superfoods are so incredible, and the best part is that this reds powder is easy to add to your diet and it tastes great. You’ll want to drink it all the time! Whether or not you have heard of red superfoods or reds powder before, Organic Reds powder is a must-have for your diet.

Article Sources

  1. What are superfoods and why should you eat them?. Megan Ware, RDN, LD. Medical News Today. 2019.
  2. Only 1 in 10 Adults Get Enough Fruits or Vegetables. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. 2017.
  3. Dietary fiber: Essential for a healthy diet. Mayo Clinic. 2021.
  4. Soluble and Insoluble Fiber: What’s the Difference?. Amanda Gardner. WebMD. 2015.
  5. Beetroot 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits. Adda Bjarnadottir, MS, RDN. Healthline. 2019.
  6. Understanding antioxidants. Harvard Medical School. 2019.
  7. Antioxidants in Fruits. Jeanie Lerche Davis. WebMD. 2021.
  8. Health Benefits of Raspberries. WebMD. 2021.
  9. Cranberries. Angela Nelson. WebMD. 2020.
  10. Nutritional Benefits of the Strawberry. Andrea Gabrick. WebMD. 2021.
  11. The Health Benefits of Tart Cherries. Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN. Healthy Eats. 2020.
  12. 12 Health Benefits of Pomegranate. Joe Leech, MS. Healthline. 2018.