Woman putting a piece of gum in her mouth - Are Sugar Alcohols Bad For You? - AMMD™

If you’ve ever looked at a packaged food label, you’ve likely seen the words ”sugar alcohols.” You’ve probably asked yourself: are sugar alcohols bad for you? After all, both sugar and alcohol have a bad reputation.  Is there a difference between sugar alcohols and sugar? Well, there is, and there isn’t.

Sugar alcohols naturally occur in some foods. However, manufacturers typically make these sweeteners commercially for processed foods. This is a low-calorie alternative to sugar. 

Sugar alcohols may have fewer calories than sugar. However, manufacturers process them heavily. They also contain GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and other toxic chemicals. These impact your gut health.

If you have Candida overgrowth or small intestinal bacteria overgrowth(SIBO), sugar alcohols could add fuel to the fire. Sugar alcohols feed harmful Candida and bacteria in your small intestine. They do this in the same way as regular sugar. The good news is you can repair your gut with my new tool to promote gut healing.

Read on to find out what foods contain sugar alcohols. I’ll also discuss the types of sugar alcohols you can find in foods. In addition, I’ll answer the question, “are sugar alcohols bad for you?” Last, you’ll learn about my secret weapon to heal your gut. First, let’s talk about sugar alcohols vs. sugar.

The Difference Between Sugar Alcohols vs Sugar

Table sugar is one of the most commonly used refined sugars in the Standard American Diet. As a society, we consume much more sugar than our ancestors. 

Refined sugars are sugars from a natural source, such as sugar cane. Manufacturers process them until only sugar remains. This is the case for table sugar or corn syrup.

In contrast, sugar alcohols are highly processed sweeteners. They’re commonly used as a low-calorie alternative to sugar. Sugar alcohols are chemically similar to sugars and alcohol. Nevertheless, they don’t contain any ethanol, the type of alcohol found in alcoholic beverages, or any sugar. (1) The question remains: are sugar alcohols bad for you? Let’s dive in. 

Your body does not fully absorb sugar alcohols. (2) Consequently, they can cause digestive issues such as gas, bloating, or diarrhea. Additionally, sugar alcohols can impact blood glucose levels like regular sugar. They are carbohydrates and can raise blood sugar levels. If you’re a diabetic, it’s important to check the labels of “low-sugar” foods for sugar alcohols. It’s best to avoid them!

There are four common types of sugar alcohols: erythritol, xylitol, sorbitol, and maltitol. Let’s discuss each one and where you can find them.

Types of Sugar Alcohols

You can find four common sugar alcohols in foods. They are generally safe for healthy people at moderate levels. 

However, manufacturers commercially process sugar alcohols. This is the kind you’ll find in packaged foods. Because of this, they could contain GMOs, artificial preservatives, and other toxic elements harmful to your gut health. Here are the different types of sugar alcohols you can find in foods.


Erythritol is one of the most popular zero-calorie sweeteners available. It tastes similar to regular sugar. It’s typically safe if you are not dealing with leaky gut, Candida overgrowth, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. You shouldn’t consume them in large amounts.

Many regard erythritol as less problematic than aspartame as a sweetener. (3) However, there has been a lot of controversy around erythritol. 

This is based on a March 2023 study published in Nature Medicine. This study associated higher blood levels of erythritol with a greater risk of heart disease. (4) However, some have criticized the data. It only looked at levels in your blood, not the amount consumed. Also, the subjects used in the study were animals and not humans. (5)

Erythritol is a natural sweetener in grapes, peaches, pears, and watermelons. You can find it in fermented foods such as beer, sake, soy sauce, and wine. If you have Candida overgrowth, you may be aware those foods feed the overgrowth. They can worsen symptoms.

You should also consider that the body does not fully absorb erythritol. Only about 10% of the erythritol is fermented in the colon. Ninety percent is removed in your urine. (6)


Xylitol is another popular sugar substitute. It’s in sugar-free ice cream, chocolate, and baked goods. It’s also in processed pancake syrups, cough syrups, and some gummy vitamins.

Research has yet to conclude whether xylitol is or isn’t safe. Xylitol is made from xylose, the natural form in some fruits and vegetables. Raspberries, mushrooms, cauliflower, and birch trees have xylose.

Some studies suggest if you eat foods with xylose, you can experience digestive issues such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea. (7) The same studies found that xylose may be stored in your liver and could lead to fatty liver disease. (8)

Other studies found potential benefits to xylitol. These include improving dental health and not impacting blood glucose levels. However, opinions vary on how safe xylitol is if you have diabetes. This is because it’s still a sugar alcohol.


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) categorizes sorbitol as a safe sugar substitute. Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol often used in sugar-free gum and candy. You can find it in laxatives and rectal enema solutions. (9) Sorbitol occurs naturally in apples, blackberries, and raspberries. It’s about 50-70% as sweet as sugar, with about 2.6 calories per gram.

In addition to naturally existing in whole foods, manufacturers commercially process it. You can find it in sweetened baked goods, chocolates, and frozen desserts.

As with other sugar alcohols, your body slowly absorbs sorbitol. Consequently, it may cause diarrhea, loose stool, stomach pain, gas, and bloating if consumed in large amounts.


Maltitol is among the most common man-made sugar alcohols. It’s in baked goods, chocolate coatings, chewing gums, and hard candies. It’s naturally in some fruits and vegetables. However, it’s made from starches such as potatoes and corn, which contain the sugar maltose.

Malitol is about 50% to 70% as sweet as sugar. It has about 2.1 calories per gram. It’s important to note that maltitol can cause digestive issues such as bloating and diarrhea in some people.

Are you seeing the pattern here? Sugar alcohols are not your digestive system’s friend.

Are Sugar Alcohols Bad for You?

Just because sugar alcohols can be natural sweeteners doesn’t mean they are always good for you. They’re still processed and artificial. They have benefits and drawbacks. So it’s essential to consider both when deciding whether or not to eat foods containing sugar alcohols.

I mentioned that some of the benefits of sugar alcohols include improving dental health. You can also use them for a low-sugar/low-carb diet. Studies haven’t yet determined how much sugar alcohol is safe to consume. However, most studies suggest more than 30 to 40 grams daily could negatively impact your health.

Here are three ways sugar alcohols could negatively impact your health:

  • Digestive problems – Sugar alcohols are notorious for triggering GI issues. This is because gut bacteria break them down. As I mentioned earlier, if you have SIBO or Candida overgrowth, this could add fuel to an already burning fire. Say hello to constipation, bloating, and diarrhea!
  • Weight gain – Research suggests man-made sweeteners may not help you lose weight. Instead, they may have the opposite effect. They may cause you to gain weight if you overeat them. Man-made sweeteners can also increase belly fat if consumed in large amounts. (10)
  • Blood sugar problems – Sugar alcohols have less impact on your blood glucose levels than table sugar. Yet, they can still increase blood glucose levels. If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you should avoid foods with sugar alcohols.

If you have concerns about sugar alcohols, you can use natural sweeteners such as coconut sugar, maple syrup, dates, honey, and stevia.

Sugar Alcohols: The Impact on Your Gut

In our hunter-gatherer days, a piece of fruit would be a welcome source of quick-release energy. Refined sugar, however, is a modern invention. Our bodies did not evolve to deal with it properly.

Fruit sugar is like lighting a cozy campfire. It’s controlled and warm. On the other hand, refined sugar is like blasting your system with a flamethrower. It’s sudden, intense, and hard to manage!

We also consume way more sugar than we are designed to handle. During an average day, your body doesn’t need all those quick bursts of energy that sugar provides. This is because, unlike our ancestors, we aren’t running away from animals trying to eat us. Thank goodness!

They’re also detrimental to your overall well-being. Let me tell you why. 

Sugar and man-made sweeteners hurt your gut by letting more harmful substances pass through your intestines. You see, excess sugar changes the gut microbiota. It also increases the risk of gut conditions such as leaky gut, Candida overgrowth, and SIBO. What’s more, it increases your risk of developing autoimmune disease. (11)

The good news is you can do something about it. That’s empowering! To reverse the damage caused by high sugar and sugar alcohol consumption, start by healing your gut. I’m excited to share the newest tool to repair and detox your gut, Gut ImmunIG™.

Repairing Your Gut With ImmunoLin®

ImmunoLin® is a cutting-edge, dairy-free immune protein. It’s composed of concentrated immunoglobulins. 

After months of researching this incredibly powerful protein,  I formulated Gut ImmunIG™. This supplement helps your gut work well. It detoxes your digestive tract to promote a healthy inflammatory response.

Gut ImmunIG™ is the perfect tool to revitalize your gut and restore optimal gut function. I’ve used the 4R method (remove, replace, reinoculate, and repair) with thousands of patients in my world-renowned clinic. 

My patients have gotten amazing results! Here’s how Gut ImmunIG™ works with my 4R approach to healing your gut:

Following the Four R’s With Gut ImmunIG™

The Four R’s are the first step in The Myers Way® protocol to heal your gut (Remove, Replace, Reinoculate, Repair). This critical process is essential in getting to the root of the underlying barriers to gut health and alleviating symptoms. Gut ImmunIG™ is a key tool for achieving and maintaining ideal gut health—for good!*

Remove With Gut ImmunIG™

Gut ImmunIG™ gets right to work. It clears out harmful things that disrupt your gut bacteria.*

The Immunoglobulins in Gut ImmunIG™ work around the clock as a biotoxin binder. They give the boot to antigens and toxins. They don’t let them cross the gut barrier.*

Restore With Gut ImmunIG™

Once Gut ImmunIG™ has helped to kick out biotoxins and irritants, your body can more effectively digest. Now, you can begin to overcome the negative effects of poor diet, medications, chronic illness, and aging. You’re on your way!

Gut ImmunIG™ is the perfect way to promote a balanced digestive process. It absorbs and breaks down nutrients efficiently. It also supports making more muscle protein.

Reinoculate With Gut ImmunIG™

Next, it’s time to reinoculate. You’ll do this by restoring your gut’s natural microbiome. You’ll want your body to get the most out of the nutrients you take in. At this point, Gut ImmunIG™ has made it easy for newly introduced beneficial bacteria to thrive. This helps your gut and body achieve optimal health.

Repair With Gut ImmunIG™

Finally, it’s time to give your gut the nutrients it needs to heal and stay healthy. Gut ImmunIG™ helps strengthen the gut lining, which improves its protective barrier. Your body can finally keep your gut balanced. You’ve also reduced the risk of symptoms returning in the future.

You don’t have to live with digestive issues caused by eating too many foods containing sugar alcohol or sugar. Repairing your gut is the first step to optimal health.  Gut ImmunIG™ is a powerful tool to help your gut barrier function better!

The Final Word on Sugar Alcohols

When it comes to sugar alcohols, the answer isn’t black or white. If you’ve ever wondered, are sugar alcohols bad for you? — it really depends on the health of your gut. It also depends on how well your body tolerates them. 

They are a lower-calorie alternative to sugar. However, they can still wreak havoc on your digestive system. This especially holds true if you suffer from Candida overgrowth, leaky gut, or SIBO. 

Sugar alcohols may have some benefits. They could support a low-carbohydrate diet and dental health. However, they’re still a highly processed food. Consuming them can  lead to bloating, gas, and blood sugar spikes in some people. If your gut is already in chaos, adding sugar alcohols is like adding gasoline to a bonfire. Things are about to get worse!

Thankfully, you’ve got options. The power is in your hands! By following my 4R approach with Gut ImmunIG™, you can repair your gut and reclaim your health. You can strike the right balance and enjoy life without digestive discomfort. Make mindful choices and support your gut with tools like Gut ImmunIG™!


Article Resources

  1. What You Should Know About Sugar Alcohols. Cleveland Clinic. 2023.
  2. What Are Sugar Alcohols?. Loraine Fick. Nourish by WebMD. 2022.
  3. Aspartame and Cancer Risk. American Cancer Society. 2023.
  4. The artificial sweetener erythritol and cardiovascular event risk. Witkowski, M., Nemet, I., Alamri, H., et al. Nature Medicine. 2023.
  5. Debunking The Erythritol Study. Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA. American Council on Science and Health. 2023.
  6. Metabolism of erythritol in humans: Comparison with glucose and lactitol. Martin Hiele, Yvo Ghoos, Paul Rutgeerts, and Gaston Vantrappen. Cameridge University Press. 2007.
  7. Health benefits of xylitol. Asma Gasmi Benahmed, et al. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2020.
  8. Effects of Prolonged Ingestion of Xylose on Rats. The Journal of Nutrition. 1953.
  9. Sorbitol Solution - Uses, Side Effects, and More. Chuck Dinerstein, MD, MBA. WebMD. 2023.
  10. Gain weight by “going diet?” Artificial sweeteners and the neurobiology of sugar cravings. Qing Yang. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. 2010.
  11. The Link Between Sugar and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Michael W. Smith, MD. WebMD. 2020.
Meet the Author

Amy Myers, MD

Dr. Myers is an accomplished, formally-trained physician who received her Doctorate of Medicine from Louisiana State University Health Science Center in 2005.
Along the way, she made it her mission to help those who've also been failed by the conventional medical system restore their own health and live their best lives.

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