Producers usually derive MCT, or medium-chain triglyceride, from coconut oil. It includes fatty acids that can have beneficial effects on your gut health. What?! Fat and acid are good for your gut? In a word, yes! Let me explain the many benefits of MCT oil. They’ve led me to recommend it to so many of my patients.

MCTs are a hot topic in the health and wellness industry. That’s because they can assist in weight management and boosting energy. They also can regulate digestion, improve gut health, and more. You might think, “Those sound similar to what I’ve heard about coconut oil.” You wouldn’t be wrong — they do share some qualities. 

Producers isolate and extract the medium-chain fatty acids in MCT oil from long-chain fatty acids in coconut oil. The fact is, MCT oil’s shorter chemical structure can benefit your gut health in amazing ways that coconut oil can’t! 

In this article, I’ll explain what MCT oil is and the benefits of MCT oil for your health. I’ll also address some common questions about MCT oil. This will help you decide if this special mix of healthy fatty acids is right for you.

What Is MCT Oil?

MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides. These are fats that are partly produced in a lab. They have a special structure made of carbon atoms. The main types of medium-chain fatty acids in most MCT oils are C10, called capric acid, and C8, called caprylic acid. (1) I know this sounds complicated, so let me explain it more simply.

These medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) may support your gut and promote overall wellness because of their shorter chemical structure. That’s because you digest them differently than long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) with a carbon atom number higher than 12. You can find LCFAs in fatty cuts of meat, cheese, butter, and other dairy products. 

In addition to MCFAs and LCFAs, there are also short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs.) You absorb these directly into your bloodstream. They’re produced when your body ferments dietary fiber. SCFAs and MCFAs are absorbed quickly for fast metabolization and energy. On the other hand, LCFAs are coated with cholesterol and protein in a much longer digestive process. 

Your body generally makes SCFAs through the digestion of vegetables. Conversely,  you need to obtain MCFAs directly from the source. The concentrated MCFAs in MCT oil are made for easy fat absorption. That’s because the shorter the chemical structure, the quicker your body absorbs the fatty acid. 

While MCT is manufactured, it’s very different from man-made trans fats. Those have no health benefits. Many healthcare professionals have advocated replacing saturated fat from protein sources like red meat with monounsaturated fat. However, more recent research indicates that both have a place in a healthy diet. (2)

Next, I’ll get into the benefits of MCT oil for your health. MCTs can have a positive impact on your weight, gut health, hormones, and more. 

MCTs and Your Weight

The benefits of MCT oil for your weight cannot be ignored. However, the impact MCT oil has on body weight varies. It depends on the diet, dosage, and your intention. This means that whether you are hoping to lose weight, maintain weight, or gain weight, MCT oil could help you reach your goals.

MCT Oil and Weight Loss

MCT oil benefits weight loss by increasing satiety. This means they make you feel fuller faster and stay full longer. Medium-chain fatty acids like the ones you can find in MCT oil may not contribute to fat accumulation as much as other dietary fatty acids. (3) This is because of their rapid metabolism in the liver. However, they still have the same satiating effect. 

In addition, this rapid metabolism increases thermogenesis. This is the process that generates body heat directly from fat. The good news is that this may stimulate fat loss.

MCT Oil and Weight Gain 

MCT oil can help people with digestive diseases like celiac disease and other intestinal disorders. (4) Unlike other fats, your body quickly absorbs MCT oil. It goes straight into the blood vessels that lead to the liver, skipping most of the normal digestion process.

This may help your body get nutrients otherwise lost during the digestive process. Now, your body can properly obtain the nutrients it needs from food, oils, and other sources. Therefore, you’ll be better able to absorb the calories (or energy) needed to maintain a healthy weight.

MCT Oil and Gut Health

Another of the benefits of MCT oil is that it could improve your gut health. Dietary fats stimulate digestion more than carbohydrates. They lead to greater contractions in the gut. (5) This promotes movement in your digestive tract. In fact, if you’re not careful, it could produce more movement than you’d like!

Further, MCT oil may help improve the gut microbiome and the health of the gut lining. This can lead to better metabolic function in the body. (6) However, that’s not where MCT oil’s impact on gut health ends. 

Supports Antimicrobial Activity

Caprylic acid (C8) is known for its immune-supporting effects. This is due to the way it impacts the gut microbiome. Medium-chain fatty acids, like caprylic acid, can make it hard for bad bacteria to survive and grow. (7) 

Research is still ongoing on the antibacterial effects of medium-chain fatty acids. However, we know that caprylic acid can help reduce harmful bacteria in the gut. This can prevent Candida overgrowth. 

Fat Absorption

Medium-chain fatty acids, such as the ones in MCT oil, can be easier to absorb for people who struggle to digest fats from other sources, like unrefined coconut oil. Although many think fat is the enemy, our bodies need fat to stay healthy! Without enough fat, you may experience digestive issues, poor nutrient absorption, hormone imbalances, or malnutrition.  

Hormone Balance

Fats play an important role in making hormones. Body fat, also called adipose tissue, is essential for this process. It contains cells that produce hormones based on signals from other organs. Adipose tissue also helps regulate glucose, cholesterol, and sex hormone metabolism. 

When your body does not have enough fat cells, your risk of insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and blood clots increases. Yes, having too many fat cells can cause the same symptoms! This is another reason why balance in the body is so crucial to overall health and why MCT oil could help. 

One of the benefits of MCT oil is that it helps produce the right amount of body fat by providing essential fats. It also supports a healthy gut microbiome through its quick digestion and antimicrobial properties.

Are you seeing how all of these wonderful benefits tie together? With MCTs in your diet, you can support your body’s hormone production process. This can keep your mood stable. They may even help prevent hormonal disorders associated with mood.

Who Should Use To Enjoy MCT Oil Benefits?

Many people can benefit from adding MCT oil to their diet. This is especially true for those struggling with leaky gut and autoimmunity. People trying to reduce body fat can also benefit from MCT oil. Let’s dive into it. 

Leaky Gut and Autoimmunity

MCT oil benefits digestion and gut health. It does this by supporting good bacteria in your gut and helping to prevent leaky gut. This means fewer problems like cramping, bloating, and constipation. 

For those trying to lose weight or manage autoimmune conditions, MCT oil can be helpful. It supports a healthy gut and helps maintain good body fat.

MCT oil benefits your body’s management of inflammation. You see, it affects the function of T-cells, which are key components of your immune system. These T-cells release something called pro-inflammatory cytokines. 

In people with autoimmune conditions, these cytokines often become imbalanced. MCT oil may help regulate your body’s inflammatory response. This could potentially lead to a healthier immune system. (8) By promoting this balance, MCT oil benefits individuals with autoimmune issues. 

In addition to helping regulate your inflammatory response, MCT oil can help keep the bad bugs out. It contains Caprylic acid, which acts as a natural antimicrobial. This means it can help fight harmful bacteria in your gut. 

When you have too much bad bacteria, as in the case of Candida overgrowth, caprylic acid can help restore balance. To demonstrate, it reduces harmful bacteria while keeping the good bacteria healthy. So, one of the benefits of MCT oil is that it acts like a housekeeper, tidying up the mess left behind by bad bacteria and making sure everything is in order for good digestion. 

MCT Oil on Keto

Lots of people are interested in losing that dreaded excess body fat. To that end, the keto diet has been a popular diet trend for some time. This community of fat burners is well aware of MCT oil benefits. It’s a well-known supplement for them. The goal of this very low-carb diet is to promote fat loss by encouraging the body to use its fat stores for energy instead of using glucose. This induces a state of ketosis.  

Ketosis is a metabolic process used to burn energy. When the body does not receive enough carbohydrates, it burns fat instead and produces ketones. Ketones are an acid produced in the liver when the body does not have enough glucose to use as energy. Your liver then sends the ketones into your bloodstream for your body to use as fuel. 

Studies show another of the benefits of MCT oil is that it can help your body produce ketones. In addition, it contains octanoate, a fatty acid that actually blocks the assembly of excess fat cells. (9) So this makes MCT oil a good choice for those following a ketogenic eating plan.

What Are the Drawbacks of MCT Oil?

So far we’ve covered who MCT oil benefits. That said, who would MCT oil negatively affect? There are concerns about the impact of saturated fats on cholesterol levels. Lauric acid (C12) in some MCT oil blends could increase overall cholesterol levels (HDL and LDL) over the long term. 

Despite many epidemiological studies on coconut oil, there are no definitive results connecting the fats in coconut oil and coronary heart disease. (10) This could be because of the short-term nature of the studies and whether refined coconut oil or the unrefined variety was examined. 

Additionally, the medium-chain fatty acid in question during these studies is always lauric acid. If you are concerned about increasing cholesterol levels, you can find MCT oils that do not contain lauric acid. Of course, I always recommend discussing a supplement with your primary care physician to ensure it is right for you.

How Should You Use MCT Oil?

First of all, start slow. I do not recommend throwing back MCT oil by the capful. The same qualities that make it a great supplement for digestion could also lead to digestive discomfort if consumed in excess. 

It could lead to cramping, bloating, and diarrhea. I recommend starting with just two teaspoons a day. Work your way up from there to avoid uncomfortable side effects. 

While I advocate avoiding caffeine, many patients I saw in my clinic began their day with a cup of decaf coffee. Many blend in tablespoons of coconut oil for a rich, smooth beverage. However, adding in MCT oil gives the same rich texture and added benefits. 

You could add it to things like your pancake mix and your oatmeal. Another popular way to enjoy MCT oil benefits is blending it into your smoothies. Whatever you decide, you can take your health into your own hands and use supplements to promote overall wellness and vitality!

The Final Word on MCT Oil

The benefits of MCT oil are numerous. Whether you’re trying to manage your weight, improve your gut health, or boost your energy, MCT oil may be able to help you. Its unique structure allows for quick absorption and efficient metabolism. This makes it a versatile supplement for reaching your health goals. 

However, it’s important to note that MCT oil isn’t a magic solution. Use it as part of a balanced diet. 

Start slow with MCT oil and gradually increase your intake. You want to take advantage of MCT oil benefits without causing digestive discomfort. As with any supplement, it’s wise to ask your healthcare provider before adding it to your regimen. This especially holds for those with specific health concerns. 

So go ahead — enjoy MCT oil benefits by drizzling some in your morning coffee. Add it to your pancake mix or your post-workout smoothie. MCT oil offers a simple way to potentially improve your overall health and well-being! 


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Meet the Author

Amy Myers, MD

Dr. Myers is an accomplished, formally-trained physician who received her Doctorate of Medicine from Louisiana State University Health Science Center in 2005.
Along the way, she made it her mission to help those who've also been failed by the conventional medical system restore their own health and live their best lives.

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