
Coffee beans and ground coffee - The Benefits of a Coffee Enema - Amy Myers MD®

The Benefits of a Coffee Enema

Science Based

Written by Amy Myers, MD

If you’re looking for ways to improve your health, you may have heard that coffee enemas can do a world of good. Coffee enemas are a popular type of colon cleanse that involves inserting brewed coffee into the rectum and holding it for a period of time. Flushing toxins out of your body may help boost energy levels, digestion, and mood. It may also reduce your risk of developing chronic illness down the road. 

You might be wondering how to do a coffee enema. Is it even safe? If so, are there any coffee enema benefits you should be aware of? First, let me reassure you that coffee enemas are perfectly safe. What’s more, you can even do them in the comfort of your own home!

In this article, I’m going to discuss how to perform coffee enemas safely and effectively. I’m also going to share additional detox supplements you should add to get the most out of your detox protocols. This is especially helpful if you’re dealing with leaky gut syndrome or gut infections. It's also great if you simply want to reduce your risk for chronic diseases and cancers.

What Is a Coffee Enema

Coffee has been around for ages. While it’s more well-known as the classic “pick-me-up” beverage, it has other uses as well. Take enemas, for example. So, what is a coffee enema? As with many other colon cleanses, coffee enemas involve injecting a solution into the rectum and colon through the anus. The solution this time is brewed coffee. Believe it or not, this type of procedure is not new. In fact, people use coffee enemas to reduce pain, detox, and promote overall health. One medical journal from 1866 showed coffee enemas may have played a beneficial role in the case of acute poisoning(1). 

Today, people use coffee enemas to relieve digestive ailments, inflammation, parasites, and more. The purpose of coffee enemas is to assist the liver with detoxification. By stimulating bile production, coffee enemas can support healthy detoxification without overtaxing the liver. Bile acids help break down nutrients. It also facilitates healthy bacteria and yeast in the gut. Those with gut infections often have an imbalance in this area. Bile acids also help get rid of dangerous pathogens that trigger inflammation and immune responses(2). 

Chronic exposure to toxins can overwhelm your liver. This slows it down and makes it less effective at detoxing. When done correctly, coffee enemas can help detoxification by stimulating the bowels. Coffee contains caffeine, a chemical compound that relaxes smooth muscles. It also dilates blood vessels, promoting optimal bile flow in the digestive tract(3). Healthy bowel movements are essential to eliminating heavy metals, molds, parasites, and other pathogens. 

Best Type of Coffee Roasts 

One interesting fact is you can use different roasts for coffee enemas. White, gold, or green coffee beans contain the more potent compounds found in coffee. However, these varieties may be too strong for someone just starting out. For this reason, most people start with light to medium roast. Dark roast is not recommended due to the fact that most of the beneficial compounds are missing. The roasting process removes these beneficial compounds.

How To Do a Coffee Enema

Now that you understand what a coffee enema is, let’s discuss how to do one. As I mentioned earlier, you can do this type of colon cleanse in the comfort of your own home. It’s also incredibly easy to do! Let’s get started.

First, choose your kit. I recommend using a metal bucket. Metal is non-porous and non-reactionary, making it easy to sterilize. It also resists bacteria and mold growth. Alternatively, you can use medical grade silicone bag which is non-reactive, heat resistant, and hypoallergenic. I recommend using silicone if you’re traveling because it is easier to store and transport due to flexibility. 

Next, check your kit to make sure it includes inserts and clamps. Some kits also come with hanging clips and a stainless steel sieve. Avoid plastic enema bags, as these can leach toxins when in contact with bile acids. I also recommend organic coconut oil for lubrication. 

When it comes to the actual coffee, only use 100% organic caffeinated coffee that has been tested for mycotoxins. Conventional coffee often contains molds, pesticides, and other contaminants. When traveling, you can also use organic cold brew coffee, such as Chameleon, making it easier without needing to brew fresh coffee. As for the water, make sure you use purified, filtered water. Distilled is best. Unfiltered water may contain heavy metals, medications, or other toxins. 

Step-by-Step Instructions

Now that you have all of your supplies, let’s go over the step-by-step instructions on how to perform a coffee enema at home.

  1. In a saucepan, bring three tablespoons of organic enema coffee and four cups of filtered water to a boil. Let the mixture boil for five minutes, then reduce heat to a low simmer. Simmer for 15 minutes, then remove from the heat. 
  2. Allow the coffee to cool completely to avoid the risk of burns. This is extremely important. While the coffee is cooling, set up your coffee enemas space. If you’re traveling or in a pinch, you can use Chameleon Organic Cold Brew. 
  3. If you’re using a hanger, you may need a door or something about 18 inches higher than you in a lying position. Most people find the bathroom the most practical place. That way, it’s easy to clean up should there be any accidents. I would even suggest doing your coffee enema on the floor of your shower or bathtub in case you have an accident. 
  4. Get comfortable and line the floor with some towels you don’t mind getting coffee stains on. Since you’ll be lying on the floor for about 15 minutes, consider getting a pillow and listening to soothing music to relax you. 
  5. Once the coffee is ready, transfer it to your stainless steel bucket. Make sure the tube clamp is not open! Otherwise, the coffee will run straight through the tube and onto the floor. 
  6. Return to your selected place and lie down on your right side. The reason is that it allows the solution to flow more easily into the liver via the hepatic portal vein. 
  7. Place a small amount of organic coconut oil onto the end of the insert. Slowly insert the enema tube into the anus. You shouldn’t feel any pain. 
  8. Open the tube clamp and allow the coffee enema to enter the rectum. It will likely feel strange, but try letting in as much coffee as possible. 
  9. Once you feel full, close the clamp and begin the 15-minute wait. Try to relax.
  10. Once the time is up, close the tube clamp and gently remove the tube. Get to the toilet right away to release the coffee enema. You’re all done!

Your goal is to reach three to four cups and hold them for 15 minutes while lying on your right side. It may take several weeks to months to achieve this goal. It’s okay. Just be persistent and work your way up. Start with one cup and hold it for however long you can. As the time increases, you can increase the amount of coffee to water mixture.

What To Expect After Doing a Coffee Enema

The benefits of a coffee enema are hard to ignore. After the procedure, you may initially feel more energized, lighter, and less sluggish due to the release of toxins. That said, it’s important to note possible side effects after you perform one. Some people are more sensitive than others, so you may not experience any of these symptoms.

Some people experience digestive upset after doing coffee enemas. Nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting may occur. Using binders can help prevent some of these unpleasant side effects while using coffee enemas. Coconut charcoal is a gentle, natural way to effectively trap toxins and escort them out of the body. 

Coffee enemas can expel electrolytes from the colon along with toxins. If you don’t replenish these vital nutrients, you can become dehydrated. After your treatment, drink plenty of purified, filtered water. LMNT electrolytes provide optimal amounts of sodium needed to stay hydrated.

Coffee Enema Benefits

Like any other colon cleanse, the benefits of a coffee enema are impressive. It’s no wonder people are adding it to their health and wellness routines! In addition to detoxification, what other coffee enema benefits are there? 

Stimulates Bile Production

As I mentioned before, coffee enemas contain caffeine. Caffeine is an irritant to the liver. As the caffeine travels through the colon, it enters the hemorrhoid vein. From there, it goes through the portal vein to reach the liver. Once it arrives, it stimulates bile production and digestion. This helps flush toxins from the body. Liver stimulation can also produce glutathione. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that also helps with detoxification.

Controls Candida Overgrowth

Those struggling with leaky gut syndrome or other gut infections often have candida overgrowth. Coffee enemas stimulate bile acid production, which assists in balancing out the microbiome. When there are enough good bacteria in the gut, it makes it difficult for candida to thrive. 

Eliminates Toxins

Cancer continues to be a topic of in-depth research. In particular, pancreatic cancer is one of the most challenging cancers to treat. One study found that patients given supplemental enzymes, papaya, and coffee enemas survived 17.5 months longer than those who received chemotherapy alone. Coffee enemas were also given to “stimulate” the liver to detoxify the cancers, thereby reducing the incidence of tumor lysis syndrome(4). Some toxins create a biofilm to help them evade the immune system. Microb-Clear® contains certain enzymes that break down this biofilm and effectively eliminate toxins. 

Removes Parasites

Nematodes, protozoa, and other parasites can stay in your body for years. They often latch onto the gut lining and rob you of nutrients. They can also trigger inflammation and gut infections. Coffee enemas can stimulate bowel movements, which may help flush these parasites out of the colon.

Boosts Immunity

Toxin overload in the gut can signal your immune system to kick into high gear. If your immune system is constantly fighting viruses, bacteria, parasites, and other pathogens, it can easily become overworked. Clearing toxins from the gut eases the burden on the immune system. This can boost its effectiveness. Gut ImmunIG™ promotes a healthy immune system with immunoglobulins that bind to antigens in the gut. Vitamin C is another important nutrient that supports optimal immune function. 

Increases Energy

Your mitochondria produce energy to perform necessary everyday functions(5). A sluggish liver can slow down energy production throughout the rest of the body. Clearing toxins from the liver and bowels removes interference in energy producing pathways. This can boost energy levels throughout the body.

Who Should Consider Doing a Coffee Enema

Can anyone experience coffee enema benefits? Yes! However, those with gut infections may especially benefit from this type of colon cleanse. This is especially true if you have leaky gut syndrome. If you struggle with candida, SIBO, or parasites, coffee enemas may also help you clear out these stubborn pathogens. 

Chronic illness and autoimmune disease have ties to toxins. Since coffee enemas aim to rid the colon of built-up toxins, they may also benefit from this. Those concerned about their risk for cancer may also see great results. I say this due to the synergistic relationship between the gut and the immune system.

Finally, those with heavy metal or mold exposure may find the benefits of a coffee enema to be very helpful in reducing their symptoms. 

In addition to coffee enemas, supporting your gut and immune system is key to keeping toxins at bay. Leaky Gut Revive® soothes the gut lining with botanical extracts. It also includes L-Glutamine, an amino acid that repairs damaged gut cells. This helps keep parasites, molds, and heavy metals from entering the bloodstream. 

I recommend discussing this procedure with your physician if you’re currently pregnant, undergoing chemotherapy, have kidney or liver failure, or have Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis. 

Final Word on the Benefits of a Coffee Enema

We live in a world where toxins abound. Molds, heavy metals, and pollutants are in the air, food, and water. Constant exposure can overwork your detoxification organs such as your liver. And gut. This can lead to fatigue, brain fog, and a higher risk of developing chronic diseases and cancers.. Coffee enemas are a type of colon cleanse meant to help the liver detoxify by stimulating the bowels. Those with digestive issues, joint pain, or autoimmune conditions may enjoy coffee enema benefits. However, those who are pregnant, undergoing chemotherapy, or have a severely compromised gut should seek medical advice before doing coffee enemas. 

As with all detoxification protocols, supporting your body post-treatment is essential to achieving the best outcome. Using binders such as Coconut charcoal can prevent your body from reabsorbing toxins. Incorporating more Vitamin C and Glutathione can help reduce oxidative stress and lower inflammation. Breaking down stubborn biofilms with Microb-Clear® can help your body better eliminate the toxins inside. 

Coffee enemas are a safe and effective way to detoxify your body. You can perform these at home as often as every day! If you’re looking for additional support against toxins, I recommend. Leaky Gut Revive® and Gut ImmunIG™Leaky Gut Revive® works with your body to repair the damage caused by toxins in the gut. Once your gut heals, it needs protection against future invaders. Gut ImmunIG™ is a dairy free colostrum alternative that offers superior protection against antigens that might trigger an overactive immune response.

Article Sources

  1. Case of Poisoning by Aconite; Enema of Coffee in the Treatment. M.A. Cachot, M.D. Pacific Surgical and Medical Journal. 1866.
  2. The Role of Bile Acids in the Human Body and in the Development of Diseases. Yulia Shulpekova, Maria Zharkova, et al. Molecules. 2022.
  3. Effects of Coffee on the Gastro-Intestinal Tract: A Narrative Review and Literature Update. Astrid Nehlig. Nutrients. 2022. 
  4. US cancer institute funds trial of complementary therapy. Deborah Josefson. Western Journal of Medicine. 2000.
  5. Mitochondria: It is all about energy. Amaloha Casanova, Anne Wevers, et al. Frontiers in Physiology. 2023.