Did you know that the average person uses 10-15 personal care products with 126 different ingredients every day?


Your skin is your biggest organ, and what you put on it, you also absorb! This is why it is SO important to know what you are putting ON your body, not just in it.

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), there are approximately 10,500 ingredients used in cosmetics in the US. In its 30-year history, the CIR has screened only 11 of those ingredients. They claim only tiny amounts are used in each product. However, due to the number of products we use, this simply isn’t true.

Let me give you an analogy: each person has a cup. This represents the chemicals that enter your system. 

Hopefully, when we are born, that cup is empty. Drops are added as you age and are exposed to more toxins and chemicals. Each drop represents toxins and chemicals invading your system.

If the cup overflows, the result is chronic sickness and autoimmunity.

The toxic personal care product rise has had a terrible impact on our health and on the health of our children. Furthermore, finding clean beauty brands that make non-toxic skincare products is hard work. That’s why taming the toxins is the third step in The Myers Way® and all of my programs.

What's in Your Skin Care Products - Infographic - Amy Myers MD®

Amy Myers MD® Beauty: Nourish your skin without compromise!

So how do you tame the toxins in your beauty and personal care routine?

Establishing a skincare routine that features clean beauty brand products free of toxins or harsh chemicals is important. I spent years searching for a clean beauty brand skincare routine. I needed nontoxic skincare that would nourish and protect my skin from unwanted aging signs without compromising my health. When I couldn’t find a clean beauty brand, I decided to develop a non toxic skincare line of my own.

Amy Myers® Beauty was born from the belief that you shouldn’t compromise your standards. My complete hydration routine includes three physician-formulated non toxic skincare products. Together, they replenish, restore, and rejuvenate your skin.

Furthermore, if you’re active in the summer like me, you’ll want to take your skin hydration to go. That’s why I decided to develop products like my Hyaluronic Acid Serum in travel sizes. 

Take this fast-acting serum on a run, hike, or to the beach or river. I formulated this clean beauty brand product to help retain long-lasting hydration. It protects against damage caused by environmental toxins, dehydration, and stress.

My travel-sized Vitamin C Cleanser is another must for when I’m on the move. It’s part of my daily routine; I bring it everywhere. I included organic botanical extracts that can purify, revitalize, and renew your complexion at home, in the office, or on the trail.

What’s missing? Toxins. Amy Myers MD® Beauty products contain carefully chosen exotic oils and organically-sourced botanical extracts… Natural beauty calls for natural ingredients!

Nourish your skin without compromise with Amy Myers MD® Beauty. Now you can achieve hydrated, younger-looking skin without contributing to your toxic burden. I created Amy Myers MD® Beauty out of my own need for a physician-formulated, clean beauty brand. I’m dedicated to increasing non-toxic skincare and beauty product accessibility at home and on the go.