Top 4 Supplements For Autoimmune Disease - Amy Myers MD®


Did you know that a recent study found that one in 10 people have an autoimmune disease? Some studies estimate that the incidence of autoimmune disease goes up by three to 12 percent annually. You can reduce the risk of developing symptoms by eating a balanced and healthy diet, and taking supplements for autoimmune disease. However, do you know which specific nutrients you need? 

It’s important to get the right nutrients and engage in the right lifestyle to reverse or manage your autoimmune disease proactively. We all know how difficult it can be to get everything you need through diet alone. Supplementation is key here. 

You can take back your health by consuming the right supplements for autoimmune disease. You have more power than you think! Read on to learn more about my top four recommended supplements for autoimmune disease. You’ll also learn how to tackle autoimmunity from every angle using The Myers Way®Autoimmune Kit.


Four Key Autoimmune Supplements

Supplementation is essential for those with autoimmune diseases. These people often end up deficient in nutrients. This is caused by chronic inflammation. The body’s immune system is overactive, which can drain resources. This can also negatively affect the absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract. 

Supplements provide vitamins and minerals that the body might lack. They can also help support immune system balance and reduce inflammation. By filling these gaps, supplements can improve energy and overall health. 

In this article, I’ll describe the top four physician-formulated autoimmune supplements I recommend. These supplements support a healthy immune response, especially when autoimmunity is a concern.

Glutathione Supplement

The first supplement we’ll discuss is Glutathione. It plays a very important role in whole-body health. It’s your body’s primary detoxifier. Glutathione is crucial in helping to support optimal immune function, making it an essential component when considering how to prevent autoimmune disease through nutrition and supplementation. While it is concentrated in your liver, glutathione is also in every cell in your body. 

The three key amino acids in glutathione — cysteine, glycine, and glutamate — help bind free radicals and toxins. This means that they neutralize free radicals to prevent damage to the body. Then, they can move them safely and effectively out of your system. Glutathione is the body’s ultimate free radical scavenger!

Your body produces some level of glutathione naturally. However, a poor diet, exposure to toxins, medications, stress, and illness deplete your levels. They may even stop glutathione production altogether. 

Glutathione deficiency can cause oxidative stress.  It can also trigger your body’s inflammatory response. And we all know what unchecked inflammation can lead to — autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and multiple sclerosis are often the result of chronic inflammation. (1)

When I recommend supplements for autoimmune disease, glutathione is at the top of my list. This is especially true for those with heavy metal overload, mold exposure, or general toxin exposure. It’s so powerful that I recommend increasing supplemental glutathione levels to anyone who wants to take back their health. 

I’ve tried a LOT of different types of glutathione, especially when I dealt with mold exposure. It is very challenging to get a form of glutathione that actually works.

After working with thousands of patients, I recommend the “acetylated” form over all others. The glutathione I offer is acetylated. Your body easily absorbs it without breaking it down, so you can enjoy all the health benefits of this supplement for autoimmune disease. (2)

Liposomal Curcumin

There’s a lot of hype around curcumin these days, and for good reason! Curcumin comes from a highly concentrated extract of turmeric. It plays an important role in supporting a healthy inflammatory response. It also supports a healthy immune system and healthy aging. 

In addition, it doesn’t have the gut-damaging side effects of popular over-the-counter remedies. It can help control the genes that manage inflammation in the body. This makes it a great supplement for autoimmune disease. (3) 

Like glutathione, even high-grade curcumin supplements are generally not well absorbed in your gut. They’re often metabolized by your liver before ever being utilized. 

That’s why I recommend a liposomal form of curcumin. Since curcumin is fat soluble, taking it in liposomal form provides your body with the lipids (fat) curcumin needs to improve bioavailability. It solves the problem of poor absorption by coating the curcumin with a thin layer of fat from medium-chain-triglyceride (MCT) oil.

Your intestinal lining readily absorbs the thin layer of fat created by the MCT oil. This protects it from metabolism by your liver. This way, the potent 500mg of naturally extracted curcumin per serving can travel freely throughout your body to the cells and tissues that need it the most.

Research shows that curcumin is one of the most powerful free-radical fighters in the world. Eliminating free radicals with the help of an autoimmune supplement such as curcumin is critical to support healthy immune function. This is why it deserves its spot in the top four autoimmune supplements!

Resveratrol Supplement

Resveratrol is a polyphenol commonly found in red wine. However, supplemental forms are much more potent. It’s known for its ability to support healthy aging and its effect on metabolism.

Resveratrol can also support heart health, which is essential because people with autoimmunity are more susceptible to heart disease. In fact, one study shows that women aged 35 – 44 who have lupus are 50 times more likely to have a heart attack than other women of similar age. (4)

Resveratrol helps protect the innermost layer of your arteries, called your endothelium. It increases your endothelial production of nitric oxide. This supports balanced blood pressure.

You can get all of the health effects of this autoimmune supplement without the downsides of red wine. You can kiss the sugar, alcohol, sulfites, and histamines goodbye by taking a resveratrol supplement!

Resveratrol is a great autoimmune supplement because it helps modulate your immune system. It does this by regulating the activity of a kind of white blood cell called natural killer cells. This helps balance your immune response if your immune system is overactive or suppressed. (5) Resveratrol is one of the most powerful supplements for autoimmune disease. 

Glutamine Supplement 

The last autoimmune supplement I recommend is L-Glutamine. L-Glutamine is an amino acid that helps seal the tight junctions in your gut. Your gut cells naturally turn over every 48 hours. This is why it’s possible to repair your gut in 30 days following The Myers Way®. L-Glutamine works by speeding up that process and helping to restore your gut lining if you have a leaky gut.

When you have a compromised gut barrier, inflammatory proteins can leak into your bloodstream and trigger immune responses. This can damage your cells. L-Glutamine is a great supplement for autoimmune disease because it can help repair the damage caused by a leaky gut.

As I outline in my book, The Autoimmune Solution, repairing your gut is the first step to overcoming autoimmunity. Remember, nearly 80% of your immune system lives in your gut. Maintaining a healthy gut is key for anyone with an autoimmune condition. It’s why I always say the gut is the gateway to health!

In addition to promoting optimal gut health, L-Glutamine supplements support thyroid and immune system function. L-Glutamine also tames sugar cravings and supports healthy weight maintenance.

Support Your Immune System With Autoimmune Supplements

As I explain in The Autoimmune Solution, if you’re dealing with autoimmunity, the source of your condition is a glitch in your immune system. Environmental risk factors such as diet, a leaky gut, toxins, infections, and stress lead your immune system to attack your tissues.

It could be that your thyroid is attacked, your joints are under fire, or you have symptoms associated with your skin. No matter what particular organ or tissue it is,  your immune system is firing. By supporting rather than suppressing your immune system with the help of autoimmune supplements, you can eliminate symptoms and reverse your condition.

Your Opportunity To Take Back Your Health

The Myers Way® Autoimmune Kit combines the four most important nutritional supplements for autoimmune disease. Your immune system is a complex puzzle. It’s influenced by many aspects of health. The integrity of your gut barrier, oxidative damage from free radicals, toxic load, and inflammation all play a role. 

My essentials kit is a carefully selected combination of the four best natural supplements for autoimmune disease. I recommend it to anyone who wants to maintain a healthy and balanced immune response. This is more important now than ever in the increasingly stressful and toxic environments we live in!

The Myers Way® Autoimmune Kit is perfect for anyone who:

  • Is concerned with immune system function and autoimmunity
  • Is dealing with systemic inflammation
  • Has had toxic exposures in the past or presently
  • Wants to support healthy thyroid function
  • Is seeking an autoimmune natural treatment

The Final Word on Autoimmune Supplements

I’ve suffered from and overcome autoimmunity. I’ve worked with thousands of patients in my clinic to reverse their autoimmunity with the help of autoimmune supplements. When you have an autoimmune disease, your best course of action is to support your immune system and help it do its job — to keep you healthy. These autoimmune supplements are just a starting point on your journey to health and wellness!

No matter the autoimmune condition, these four key autoimmune supplements all work together to support your immune system. When taken together as part of The Myers Way®  Autoimmune Kit, these autoimmune supplements — glutathione, curcumin, l-glutamine, and resveratrol — enhance one another’s effects, making them even more powerful against autoimmune diseases!


    Article Resources

    1. Glutathione Dysregulation and The Etiology and Progression of Human Diseases. Nazzareno Ballatori, Suzanne M Krance, Sylvia Notenboom, Shujie Shi, Kim Tieu, Christine L Hammond. NCBI. 2009.
    2. Types of Glutathione. Glutathione Pathway.
    3. Efficacy of Tumeric Extracts and Curcumin for Alleviating the Symptoms of Joint Arthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clincial Trials. James W Daily, Mini Yang, Sunmin Park. NCBI. 2016.
    4. The Increased Cardiovascular Risk in Patients Affected by Autoimmune Diseases: Review of the Various Manifestations. Alessandro Durante, Sofia Bronzato. NCBI. 2015.
    5. Resveratrol Role in Autoimmune Disease - A Mini-Review. Ana Ligia de Brito Oliveira, Valter Vinicius Silva Monteiro, Kely Campos Navagantes-Lima, Jordano Ferriera Reis, Rafaelli de Souza Gomes, Davila Valentina Silva Rodrigues, Silvia Leticia de Franca Gaspar, Marta Chagas Monteiro. NCBI. 2017.
    Meet the Author

    Amy Myers, MD

    Dr. Myers is an accomplished, formally-trained physician who received her Doctorate of Medicine from Louisiana State University Health Science Center in 2005.
    Along the way, she made it her mission to help those who've also been failed by the conventional medical system restore their own health and live their best lives.

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