Paleo Coconut Chicken Curry
Ever wonder what causes cancer? While genetics play a small role (5-10%), modern lifestyle factors significantly contribute to cancer, supporting the view that it is a metabolic disease. Key causes include processed foods, gut health issues, chronic infections, toxins, radiation, stress, and metabolic disorders. Poor diet, environmental toxins, and sedentary lifestyles increase acidity, inflammation, and oxidative stress, creating an environment for cancer to thrive. Conventional treatments focus on surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, but functional medicine emphasizes prevention through diet, detoxification, stress management, and lifestyle changes.
Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS) is a noninvasive breast cancer, classified as stage 0. It accounts for about 20-25% of breast cancer cases and remains localized without spreading to other tissues. While conventional medicine considers DCIS a form of cancer, it does not typically metastasize. Detection often occurs through mammograms, which identify calcifications. Alternative diagnostic options include QT Imaging, CTC blood tests, and thermography. Conventional treatments like surgery and radiation may not always be necessary, as many DCIS cases do not progress to invasive cancer. Managing inflammation, supporting gut health, and maintaining a balanced diet can help mitigate risks.
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