Health & Wellness Articles from Amy Myers, MD

Cancer cells - What Is Cancer and What Are the Causes of Cancer - AMMD™
Reverse Your Thyroid Hair Loss - Woman brushing her hair - AMMD™️
Health Focus
Reverse Your Thyroid Hair Loss

Thyroid hair loss can be a frustrating and disheartening symptom of thyroid dysfunction, often caused by hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, and chronic stress. By optimizing thyroid hormone levels, improving diet, and supporting adrenal health, you can address the root causes of thyroid hair loss and restore healthy, vibrant hair naturally. Implementing targeted lifestyle changes and incorporating essential nutrients such as iron, selenium, and iodine can help you regain not only your hair but also your overall well-being.

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The Powerful Benefits of ImmunoLin®
Health Focus
The Powerful Benefits of ImmunoLin®
What if I told you you could repair your gut and support your immune system simultaneously for optimal gut function? After years of research and experience in my clinic, I have discovered a powerful ingredient that does just that called ImmunoLin®. I will tell you about this powerful gut-healing tool and why I consider it my most comprehensive weapon to promote gut healing and detoxification. Let’s get started.
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The Iodine & Hashimoto’s Question
Health Focus
The Iodine & Hashimoto’s Question

Is taking iodine good or bad for Hashimoto’s, and how much is safe to take? There is a lot of debate around this topic, and these are questions I get asked all the time when I speak about thyroid health.

In this article, find out why iodine is so important for thyroid health, three common chemicals that can cause you to be low in iodine, and how I recommend maintaining healthy levels.

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10 Solutions for Hashimoto’s Fatigue
Healthy Living
10 Solutions for Hashimoto’s Fatigue
Hashimoto’s is a reversible condition in which your immune system is attacking your thyroid by mistake. When the immune system attacks the thyroid, it triggers inflammation known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, leading to an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism). Hashimoto’s primarily affects middle-aged women, though it can occur in men and women of any age as well as children. It is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United States. Fortunately, a doctor can test your thyroid function to help detect Hashimoto’s.2
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Which Thyroid Medication is Best for Hashimoto’s
Health Focus
Which Thyroid Medication is Best for Hashimoto’s
To get a complete picture of a patient’s thyroid health and medication needs, I would order all of the thyroid tests listed below. I also included here the ranges for each marker I’ve found to be optimal for both my patients and myself. You can find all of this information and more in my book, The Thyroid Connection.
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Overheated woman - The Connection of EBV and Autoimmune Disease - Amy Myers MD®
The Connection of EBV and Autoimmune Disease
You may have heard of the Epstein Barr Virus. Also known as EBV, this virus causes mononucleosis. Some people call it the “kissing disease.” There is a good chance you contracted this virus as a child or adolescent without even...
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Spoon of salt - 4 Essential Nutrients to Reverse Hashimoto’s - AMMD™
Health Focus
4 Essential Nutrients to Reverse Hashimoto’s
Your thyroid is your body’s engine, not only because it powers your whole body, but also because it requires many different interconnected parts, working in unison, to run smoothly. That includes a number of important chemicals and nutrients. In this article, I will cover the important role that four of those nutrients, iodine, selenium, zinc, and iron play in Hashimoto’s and how you can maintain healthy levels of each.
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Testing for MTHFR Mutations
Healthy Living
Testing for MTHFR Mutations
In this article, we dive right into the importance of MTHFR tests. Most importantly, we discuss what you can do to minimize the impact of any MTHFR mutations on your health. This information, in addition to my top recommendation for anyone with the MTHFR mutation, Methylation Support®, will help you support your methylation and detoxification pathways.
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Woman rubbing sunscreen on shoulder - Toxic Sunscreen Ingredients to Avoid - AMMD™
Healthy Living
Toxic Sunscreen Ingredients to Avoid
In this article, I will discuss sunscreen ingredients to avoid and why they are harmful. I’ll also tell you what to look for instead when shopping for sunscreen. First, let’s dive into the toxic sunscreen ingredients. 
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Woman holding glass of water and medication - Which Thyroid Medication is Best? - AMMD™
Health Focus
Which Thyroid Medication is Best?
There is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to supplemental thyroid hormone and I don’t believe that there is one right choice for everyone. What I have learned over the last fifteen years as both a thyroid patient as well as a thyroid-prescribing physician is that when it comes to supplemental thyroid hormone it can be just as much an art as it is a science. 
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