Let’s talk about corn. Corn is everywhere in our food system. You might be wondering — is corn unhealthy? We’ll get into that soon. First, let’s discuss why corn seems to be everywhere.
There was a population boom after WWII in the 1960s and 1970s. The U.S. needed a reliable and abundant food supply to feed all these extra mouths. Introducing corn: a versatile crop that could be turned into many things, such as sweeteners, livestock feed, fillers for processed food, and biofuel.
The result was a dramatic shift in the agricultural landscape. Recognizing its value, the government heavily backed corn through subsidies. Consequently, corn became one of the most mass-produced crops in the U.S. This changed how Americans eat and live — not necessarily for the better. Read on to learn more about corn and whether or not you should include it in your diet.
Does Corn Contain Gluten?
It’s estimated that as much as 30% of the US population is gluten intolerant. After identifying that gluten is an inflammatory food, most people find significant relief by avoiding it. However, sticking to a gluten-free diet is not enough to heal the gut and halt systemic inflammation. (1)
As more people go gluten-free, new “healthy” products make their way onto the shelves of the gluten-free aisle. Although gluten is absent, many of these gluten-free foods (and their packaging) are made with something equally dangerous: corn.
No, corn does not contain gluten. However, the protein in corn can mimic gluten in how it’s perceived by your body. It’s a copycat! For some people — especially those with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease — the immune system can react to corn proteins as if they were gluten and trigger similar symptoms. Let’s dive into more details on why this can be a problem for many people.
Corn Derivatives Are Everywhere
Corn, like gluten, is in EVERYTHING. You can find it in things like medications and chewing gum. It can even be found in health and everyday products like toothpaste and makeup. A quick glance at the ingredients of most processed foods will usually reveal some obvious sources of corn. These include high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), corn oil, and cornstarch.
Corn is quite sneaky and lurks behind many other names. Some of these names include “dextrose,” “xanthan gum,” “natural flavors,” “free-flowing agents,” “vitamin E,” “ascorbic acid,” “citric acid,” and “cellulose.” Even when it’s not present in the food, corn lines plastic food containers, and to-go coffee cups. You might have no idea it’s even there. It’s everywhere!
Even if you stick to whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and meat, corn can still find its way into your diet. How? Through the animals you eat. What they eat matters too! Most poultry and livestock are fed corn — often genetically modified corn— unless they’re certified as grass-fed. So, even if you’re avoiding packaged foods, corn might still be on your plate indirectly.
Grain-fed meat comes from a less healthy animal and is extremely deficient in nutrients. In addition, the seemingly insignificant amount of corn in the animal’s diet can be enough to trigger an immune response when you eat that gluten-free hamburger or have your morning nonfat yogurt. In other words, it can be quite difficult to avoid corn derivatives!
Is Corn Unhealthy?
Corn is often classified as an inflammatory food. It’s commonly recommended for elimination to support a healthy inflammatory response. But why is it considered inflammatory? The problem lies not just in whole corn, but in its derivatives. These are things like high-fructose corn syrup, corn flour, and corn oil.
These corn derivatives can cause sharp blood sugar spikes. This can lead to an inflammatory response. (2) Chronic inflammation is linked to a range of health issues. It can cause joint pain, digestive troubles, heart disease, and diabetes.
In addition, although corn is a vegetable, it can cause a leaky gut. This is because, to many people’s bodies, the protein in corn can look like gluten, and they “cross-react” to it.
This cross-reactivity can cause an endless amount of frustration for those who know they suffer from gluten intolerance. This is worsened by the fact that our culture has been indoctrinated with the idea that corn products are a wonderful substitute for gluten-containing products. You might be able to make gluten-free tacos with corn tortillas, but that approach does nothing to stop the immune response.
Eventually, you wonder, Why am I still getting migraines? Or how come my blood tests haven’t normalized? Some people may give up and decide that removing gluten from their diet is an unnecessary step. Maybe harsh medications are the only solution.
Not so! Gluten is only one of several molecules that imitate our own body tissues and contribute to autoimmunity. (3) As I stated before, corn is a copycat.
Molecular mimicry is only part of the problem with corn. Corn is one of the most commonly genetically engineered foods, with about 90% of it being GMO. Due to cross-pollination by wind, birds, and bees, the remaining 10% is not guaranteed to be GMO-free.
High Fructose Corn Syrup
If we step back and look at the bigger picture, it’s clear that corn has had a substantial impact on the culture and health of the American population. One of the most common uses of corn is high-fructose corn syrup (HCFS). Many believe the obesity epidemic is largely attributed to its prevalence in the Standard American Diet (SAD).
HCFS is around 75% sweeter than sugar, and less expensive. This makes it an ideal ingredient in processed foods — which, by their very nature, are designed to be cheap and tasty.
HCFS has made its way into everything from salad dressings to pasta sauce. Our palates have become completely desensitized to the ubiquitous sweetness of our diets. Consuming sweet foods causes surges in blood sugar and actually intensifies our cravings for more sweets. With a desensitized palate, we can’t enjoy the natural sweetness of fruits and vegetables. This eventually leads to hormone imbalances, overeating, obesity, and diabetes.
Eliminating Corn
If you’re still having issues with your health after removing gluten from your diet, corn could be a major contributor. To determine if corn is healthy for you, try an elimination diet.
The process involves removing potential triggers—such as corn, gluten, dairy, or soy—from your diet entirely for a set period, typically 4–6 weeks. This gives your body a chance to reset and heal from any inflammatory or immune responses. Afterward, you can gradually reintroduce foods one at a time to see how your body reacts.
If symptoms return when you add corn back in, it’s a strong indication that it may be contributing to your health issues. For those with gluten sensitivity, I suggest permanently removing corn from their diets. Cross-reactive foods, while not actually containing gluten, will do equal damage to your body.
The Final Word: Is Corn Unhealthy?
So, is corn unhealthy? The short answer is — it can be. It might seem harmless. However, corn’s presence in processed foods and its role in creating an inflammatory response makes it a potential contributor to health issues.
From high-fructose corn syrup to corn oil, how corn is processed and consumed in today’s world has changed how it affects our bodies. In addition, for those with gluten sensitivities, it can even mimic gluten, causing similar symptoms and discomfort.
The bottom line? Pay attention to how your body feels. If you’re struggling with persistent health problems, consider an elimination diet. Eliminate certain foods — such as corn, legumes, dairy, and gluten — from your diet. Reintroduce them after a period of time and take note of how you feel. This could help you narrow down the culprit that is causing your woes.
To answer the question — is corn unhealthy? — listen to your body — it knows what’s best for you!
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