The Myers Way®
Autoimmune Solution Program Program
Week 1: Understanding Autoimmunity
It's time for prep week! I'll walk you through the underlying causes of autoimmunity and how to succeed in the program.
Welcome to The Myers Way® Autoimmune Solution Program! I'm so glad that you've decided to take your health into your own hands, and I can't wait to hear about your journey. I've made this program as easy to follow as possible, with step-by-step instructions for every week.
Each Sunday you will receive an email reminding you to log in and complete another lesson. Simply go to My Programs within your account, and open up your new week. Now let's get started!
STEP ONE: Watch My Video
Find out what to expect in this course, how to prepare, and how to set yourself up for success!
My Autoimmune Journey
Watch my interview with Mike Mutzel to hear how I got involved in functional medicine after my diagnosis with Graves' disease.
STEP TWO: Make Your First Entry in the Symptom Tracker
My symptom tracker will help you calculate your overall level of inflammation. You will track this number week to week, along with your weight and sleep.
STEP THREE: Watch An Introduction to Autoimmunity Lesson
This week, we will learn all about what really causes autoimmunity, and how you can use this information to reverse the course of your disease. This is the foundation of the program you will follow for the next four weeks, and The Myers Way® lifestyle you will transition to after you finish.
Additional Resources
Check out my interview with Todd LePine, where we discuss the pitfalls of conventional medicine surrounding autoimmunity.
Dr. Mark Hyman and I discuss the rise in autoimmunity and the benefits of approaching it holistically.
STEP FOUR: Find Out Which Supplements Are Right for You
There are specific supplements that I recommend using to heal your gut, reduce your inflammation, and support your overall health. Everyone has a unique biochemistry, so I have created several tools to help you prioritize which supplements are right for you. Watch the video below to learn how to do this, and then use the tools provided to select your supplements. Supplement orders typically arrive within 3-7 days, so I recommend ordering your supplements now from my online store so that you can use them throughout the full 30 days.
Find out if you have any active gut infections
Take my Comprehensive Supplement Quiz
As I always say, the gut is the gateway to health, so this step is very important! You will learn all about what causes these infections and how to overcome them in next week's lesson, Heal Your Gut. For now, just focus on determining if Candida, SIBO, or parasites are playing a role in your autoimmune disease, and order the corresponding supplements so that you can begin taking them next week.
Find out if you can benefit from additional adrenal support
Complete my Adrenal Fatigue Exam
I find that many of my autoimmune patients suffer from adrenal fatigue, which is caused by chronic stress. I will cover this in week 5's lesson, but I encourage you to complete the adrenal fatigue exam now, so that you can order the recommended adrenal support supplement and begin taking it as you work your way through the program.
Determine what other supplements you may need
Download: The Autoimmune Solution Supplement Guide
Order your supplements in my online store.
STEP FIVE: Familiarize Yourself with the Dietary Guidelines in The Autoimmune Solution
In week three, Removing Gluten, Grains, and Legumes, we will cover exactly why each dietary recommendation works. However, you will start the meal plan next week, so I'd like you to learn the ins and outs of the program now. This will help you as you shop and prepare to dive in next week.
If you would like to ease your body into the dietary protocol this week, you can begin following the guidelines in the Foods to Enjoy and Foods to Toss list below. We highly recommend ditching caffeine, in particular, this week so that your body has time to adjust before diving into the full program next week!
Here are your meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists that you will begin following next Monday! To keep it simple, the meal plans repeat, so you'll have one set of meals for weeks two and four and one set of meals for weeks three and five. The meal plans are designed for two people so your spouse or partner can do the program with you! They can all be printed for easy access in the grocery store and kitchen.
If you open them up and feel overwhelmed at first, don't worry! I have also included a handy resource, The Myers Way® Guide to Meal Prepping. Whether you're new to meal prepping or a seasoned veteran, it is a very helpful tool. These resources, along with the ones above, will provide everything you need to hit the ground running next week. You will begin the week 2 meal plan next Monday, so prepare accordingly!
Download: The Autoimmune Solution Program Meal Plan, Recipes eBook & Shopping Lists
(these will download as a zip file to your downloads folder on your computer. Double click it to open all of the files.)
Download: The Autoimmune Solution Cookbook Bonus Recipes
(these are 4 bonus recipes from my cookbook that you can add into your meal plans if you choose)
You will start the meal plan and your supplements next Monday . I'll see you next Sunday for lesson two, Heal Your Gut!
Week 2: Heal Your Gut
This week we dive into one of my favorite topics, gut health! The gut is the gateway to health, and a healthy gut is the foundation for optimal health.
Welcome to week two of The Myers Way® Autoimmune Solution Program! This will be your first week following The Autoimmune Solution Meal Plan and I can't wait for you to taste the delicious recipes! This week you'll also learn all about the importance of gut health
STEP ONE: Complete a New Entry in the Symptom Tracker
Fill out the symptom tracker to get your total inflammation for the week, and then update that, your current weight, and the average number of hours of sleep you got per night.
Download: Symptom Tracker and Complete the Form
- Please be sure to do this EVERY WEEK!
STEP TWO: Watch My Heal Your Gut Lesson
Learn why the gut is the gateway to health, how your gut can become leaky and how that impacts autoimmunity. And, most importantly, learn how to heal your gut!
STEP THREE: Review My Gut Health Resources
These resources will help you learn even more about how a healthy gut functions.
If you haven't already, take my Comprehensive Gut Exam to find out if you might have any active gut infections
Download: Guide to Healthy Poop
STEP FOUR: Review This Week's Recommended Reading
These articles provide additional information on the topics discussed in this week's lesson. Feel free to share them with friends or family via email or social media!
- Should You Be Taking Digestive Enzymes?
- What Causes Constipation and How to Stop It
- A Healthy Gut Means a Healthy Brain
- How Antibiotics Wreak Havoc on Your Gut
- The Gut Microbiome and Autoimmune Connection
STEP FIVE: Check Out Recommended Gut Health Supplements
Although optimizing your diet (which we will talk more about next week) goes a long way in healing your gut, supplements also play a huge role in helping your gut lining repair and rebuild itself. Here are the top gut-healing supplements I recommend to my patients:
Probiotic - Probiotics help maintain healthy levels of “good” bacteria in your gut, and are one of the four supplements I recommend that everyone take.
How to know which probiotic is right for you:
- 100 Billion Unit probiotic - if you have a leaky gut, Candida, parasites, or have been sick for a while
- Primal Earth™ Probiotic soil-based probiotic - if you have SIBO
- 30 Billion Unit probiotic - the perfect maintenance dose after you have healed your gut infections and repaired your gut lining
Collagen Protein - Collagen is a protein packed with amino acids, including glutamine. It helps repair your gut lining, and gives your hair its strength, your skin its elasticity, and reduces joint pain. Your body produces collagen on its own, however your production of it decreases as you age, and if you are chronically ill or stressed your ability produce it is reduced.
L-Glutamine - L-Glutamine is an amino acid that is essential for gut health and immune health. It repairs gut cells and strengthens the gut lining, in order to heal a leaky gut. It also helps prevent sugar cravings, which is great as you transition to The Myers Way® diet and if you are overcoming Candida or SIBO, which both feed on sugar and starches.
Digestive Enzymes - If you have a leaky gut, experience digestive issues such as gas, bloating, or indigestion after meals, or you see pieces of undigested food or a fatty substance in your stool, you are probably low in digestive enzymes. This complete enzyme formula maximizes the breakdown of protein, carbohydrates, fibers, sugars, and fats.
STEP SIX: Check Out Recommended Gut Health Lab Work
There are three different tests that I use in my clinic for patients whom I suspect have a gut infection. These tests indicate whether your gut infection is yeast-related, bacterial, or parasitic in nature. Once your results are available, you can follow the treatment protocols I outlined in this week's lesson.
Doctor's Data Comprehensive Stool Test
This is a very comprehensive test that tells us the levels of
good, neutral, and bad bacteria in your gut, along with checking
for yeast and parasites. This report also details the species of
pathogenic bacteria, yeast, or parasite, as well as the most
effective herbal or pharmaceutical therapies to kill the
specific infection.
This test also contains markers that indicate how well you are digesting and absorbing nutrients and it tests for markers of gut inflammation.
This is one of the tests I order most frequently in my clinic, and it is one of my top tools for evaluating gut health in my patients.
SIBO Breath Test
This Hydrogen / Methane breath test is non-invasive and measures
the levels of hydrogen or methane gasses in your exhaled breath.
The kind of gas indicates the type of bacteria present within
the small intestine.
Candida Antigen/Antibody Profile
Stool tests are considered the gold standard for determining if
you have Candida. However, this blood test is a simple and
inexpensive starting place if you suspect you have Candida.
It measures the level of Candida antibodies in your blood. High levels of these antibodies indicate that an overgrowth of Candida is present that your immune system is reacting to it. It also tests your total IgG, IgA, and IgM (total immunoglobulin) levels. Remember that Candida can suppress your immune system, so low levels of total IgG, IgA, or IgM could cause a false negative response to the Candida antibodies, meaning you could have Candida, but since your immune function is lowered, you are unable to produce a response. By testing both your Candida antibodies and your total immunoglobulins, you get a more complete picture.
Starting Monday, you will follow the week two meal plan and begin your supplement regimen . I'll see you next Sunday for lesson three, Get Rid of Gluten, Grains, and Legumes!
Here are the meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists, to follow this week and to shop and prep for next week.
Download: The Autoimmune Solution Program Meal Plan, Recipes eBook & Shopping Lists
(these will download as a zip file to your downloads folder on your computer. Double click it to open all of the files.)
Download:The Autoimmune Solution Cookbook Bonus Recipes
(these are 4 bonus recipes from my cookbook that you can add into your meal plans if you choose)
Week 3: Get Ride of Gluten, Grains, and Legumes
It's time to talk about the role that diet plays in gut health and inflammation!
Welcome to week three of The Myers Way® Autoimmune Solution Program! I hope you're loving the delicious recipes from your meal plan and that you've started on your supplement regimen. If you have any questions or run into any roadblocks, don't forget you can pop in to my free Facebook group to ask a question.
Now, let's get started with week three!
STEP ONE: Complete a New Entry in the Symptom Tracker
Fill out the symptom tracker to get your total inflammation for the week, and then update that, your current weight, and the average number of hours of sleep you got per night.
Download: Symptom Tracker and Complete the Form
- Please be sure to do this EVERY WEEK!
STEP TWO: Watch My Gluten, Grains, and Legumes Lesson
Last week we learned all about the importance of gut health, and one of the biggest determining factors in whether your gut is healthy or leaky is diet. The food that we eat plays a vital role in our overall health, particularly if you have an autoimmune disease. In this lesson, I explain why gluten, grains, and legumes are problematic, and how eating them contributes to inflammation, leaky gut, and other health concerns.
STEP THREE: Download My Resources for Optimizing Your Diet
These handy resources will help you avoid hidden gluten, recover after accidental exposure, and manage your weight through a whole foods diet.
STEP FOUR: Check Out This Week's Recommended Reading
- What to Eat (and Not Eat) to Reverse Autoimmunity
- 3 Important Reasons to Give Up Gluten if You Have an Autoimmune Disease
- 3 Steps to Recover After Getting Glutened
- 10 Hidden Sources of Gluten
- 5 Reasons to Avoid the Gluten-Free Aisle
- 6 Tips for Getting Your Family On Board with AIP
Bonus Video: Tom O'Bryan on The Gluten-Autoimmune Connection
Tom O'Bryan and I discuss the subject of “non-celiac gluten sensitivity” and how it has become so relevant to the functional medicine approach to treating autoimmunity.
STEP FIVE: Check Out This Lesson's Recommended Supplements
As optimize your diet, you may find this supplement helpful in helping you through the transition.
Digestive Enzymes - If you have a leaky gut, experience digestive issues such as gas, bloating, or indigestion after meals, or you see pieces of undigested food or a fatty substance in your stool, you are probably low in digestive enzymes. This complete enzyme formula maximizes the breakdown of protein, carbohydrates, fibers, sugars, and fats.
I also recommend taking digestive supplements if you have an accidental gluten exposure, as they help you break down and clear the gluten from your system faster. I always take them before dining out, where cross-contamination is more likely.
STEP SIX: Check Out This Week's Recommended Lab Tests
Food sensitivity testing is helpful for determining which foods you are reacting to, even if you have not experienced noticeable reactions. On the elimination phase of my diet, you “toss” the most common inflammatory foods such as grains, dairy, eggs, nightshades, and nuts and seeds. However, some people have additional sensitivities to foods outside of those main categories, and food sensitivity testing provides the most comprehensive breakdown of which foods you're reacting to.
Array 10 - Multiple Food Immune Reactivity Screening
This test evaluates immune reactivity to 180 foods in raw and
cooked or modified forms, food enzymes, lectins and artificial
food additives (including emulsifiers, colorings and gums). This
test is valuable because some individuals may react to a raw
food, but not the cooked form — or vice versa, and this test
will help determine if only certain forms of the food should be
avoided. Those with leaky gut and autoimmune disorders are
likely to have multiple food sensitivities and should consider
this test to evaluate additional dietary needs.
You will use the meal plan for week three and continue your supplement regimen . I'll see you next Sunday for lesson four, Tame the Toxins!
Here are the meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists, to follow this week and shop and prep for next week.
Download: The Autoimmune Solution Program Meal Plan, Recipes eBook & Shopping Lists
(these will download as a zip file to your downloads folder on your computer. Double click it to open all of the files.)
Download: The Autoimmune Solution Cookbook Bonus Recipes
(these are 4 bonus recipes from my cookbook that you can add into your meal plans if you choose)
Week 4: Tame the Toxins
In this lesson we take a look at the role of toxins in autoimmunity, how to reduce your toxic burden, and how to support your detox pathways.
Welcome to week four of The Myers Way® Autoimmune Solution Program! We're halfway through The Myers Way® Four Pillars and I can't wait to walk you through another empowering lesson. So let's get started!
STEP ONE: Complete a New Entry in the Symptom Tracker
Fill out the symptom tracker to get your total inflammation for the week, and then update that, your current weight, and the average number of hours of sleep you got per night.
Download: Symptom Tracker and Complete the Form
- Please be sure to do this EVERY WEEK!
STEP TWO: Tame the Toxins Lesson
Toxins can cause all sorts of health problems, but they are particularly damaging to your immune system. In this lesson we cover some of the most common toxins, how they wreak havoc on your immune system, and how you can minimize your exposure and safely flush them out of your body.
Aristo Vojdani on Environmental Triggers and Autoimmunity
I sat down with Aristo Vojdani to discuss how environmental triggers such as food, toxic chemicals, infectious agents, and pathogens contribute to autoimmunity.
STEP THREE: Download My Resources for Taming the Toxins
These helpful resources provide step-by-step instructions for minimizing toxins in your home and workplace. I've also included a special resource about infrared saunas, which can be hugely beneficial for autoimmune patients.
Download: The Myers Way® Guide to a Toxin-Free Home
Download: A Guide to Infrared Saunas
STEP FOUR: Try My DIY Home & Body Toxin-Free Recipes
Ditch all of your toxin-filled home cleaners and body products with these 9 simple recipes. They are all easy to make from ingredients you probably already have in your home.
I had so much fun filming this video and I can't wait to hear what you think of them. The recipes for each are shown in the video right after I walk you through how to make each one.
Home Cleaners
0:00 - All Purpose Cleaner I
1:08 - All Purpose Cleaner II
2:42 - Degreaser
4:16 - Glass Cleaner
5:31 - Bath and Sink Scrub
Body Products
7:48 - Deodorant
9:38 - Toothpaste
11:48 - Hand and Body Cream
14:47 - Bath Salts
STEP FIVE: Check Out This Week's Recommended Reading
- 3 Reasons to Eat Organic if You Have an Autoimmune Disease
- 3 Reasons to Avoid GMOs if You Have an Autoimmune Disease
- 10 Things to Avoid for a Toxin-Free Home
- What's In Your Mouth
- What's In Your Sunscreen: 6 Ingredients to Avoid This Summer
STEP SIX: Review Recommended Supplements to Support Detoxification Safely
If toxins are playing a role in your autoimmunity, check out the supplements below to support your natural detox pathways while you reduce your toxic burden.
Glutathione - Glutathione is your body's most powerful detoxifier, protecting you from inflammation, toxins, and pathogens. Most glutathione supplements break down before they can penetrate cells, but this acetylated form is specifically formulated for optimal absorption.
STEP SEVEN: Review Recommended Lab Tests for Toxins
In order to get a snapshot of the levels of heavy metals in your body and how effectively your body is detoxifying them, I recommend the following test:
Urine Toxic & Essential Elements
Elevated levels of toxic heavy metals can contribute to the
overstimulation of the immune system as in autoimmune diseases.
Toxic heavy metals can also cause recurrent Candida or bacterial
infections, which are a cause of leaky gut. Detoxifying heavy
metals is a key step in restoring immune function.
If you have high heavy metal levels, your doctor can work with you to prescribe chelation therapy accordingly. Follow-up urine tests are helpful for measuring the success of the heavy metal detoxification.
You will switch back to the meal plan for weeks two and four and continue your supplement regimen . I'll see you next Sunday for lesson five, Heal Your Infections and Relieve Your Stress!
Here are the meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists again to follow this week and prep for next week.
Download: The Autoimmune Solution Program Meal Plan, Recipes eBook & Shopping Lists
(these will download as a zip file to your downloads folder on your computer. Double click it to open all of the files.)
Download:The Autoimmune Solution Cookbook Bonus Recipes
(these are 4 bonus recipes from my cookbook that you can add into your meal plans if you choose)
Week 5: Heal Your Infections and Relieve Your Stress
Here we talk about viral and bacterial infections and how stress impacts your immune system.
Welcome to week five of The Myers Way® Autoimmune Solution Program! This week we're going to take a deep dive into how infections trigger autoimmune disease and how stress causes infections to flare.
STEP ONE: Complete a New Entry in the Symptom Tracker
Fill out the symptom tracker to get your total inflammation for the week, and then update that, your current weight, and the average number of hours of sleep you got per night.
Download: Symptom Tracker and Complete the Form
- Please be sure to do this EVERY WEEK!
STEP TWO: Heal Your Infections and Relieve Your Stress Lesson
New research has linked several viral and bacterial infections to autoimmune disease. These infections can both trigger and worsen autoimmunity, so it is important to keep them at bay. A big part of preventing infectious flare ups is managing your stress, because stress sends your immune system on a rollercoaster.
STEP THREE: Download My Resources for Managing Stress
Stress is an everyday part of our modern lives, which is why the key to preventing stress-related health problems is to learn to safely manage your stress. These resources walk you through daily habits and routines that help you do exactly that.
Download: The Myers Way® Guide to Stress Management
Download: How to Reset Your Sleep Cycle
STEP FOUR: Check Out This Week's Recommended Reading
- What You Need to Know About Vitamin D and its Impact on Your Immune System
- The Myers Way® Approach to Preventing the Cold and Flu
- Is Stress Damaging Your Gut?
Bonus Video: Izabella Wentz on Infections and Autoimmunity.
I had the pleasure of speaking with Izabella Wentz about how infections contribute to autoimmunity. Together, we discuss the importance of testing for, identifying, and treating the infections that exacerbate autoimmune symptoms.
STEP FIVE: Review Recommended Supplements to Heal Infections and Relieve Stress
If stress is playing a role in your autoimmunity, check out the supplement below to help your body manage stress.
The Myers Way® Adrenal Support - These adaptogenic herbs help the body adapt and cope with stress. It is my go-to treatment to support the adrenal gland, as you work to find the root cause of your adrenal fatigue. Start with one capsule twice daily and work up to two capsules twice daily; take your full dose
STEP SIX: Review Recommended Lab Tests
If you have been exposed to the infections I covered in this week's lessons or suspect that they are playing a role in your autoimmunity, an Infections Panel test can help determine if you have active or latent infections.
Infection Panel
When your immune system is healthy, it keeps the viruses in
check, but when it is suppressed by stress or illness, the
infection can become active once again. Over time, this can
alter immune function. I recommend this test because it checks
your antibody levels to common viral and bacterial infections
that can contribute to autoimmunity.
This test evaluates:
- Chlamydophila pneumoniae Antibodies (IgG, IgA, IgM)
- Cytomegalovirus Antibodies (IgG, IgM)
- EBV DNA, Quant, Real-Time PCR
- Epstein-Barr Virus Antibody Panel
- Lyme Disease Antibodies (IgG, IgM) Western Blot
- HSV 6 Antibodies (IgG & IgM)
Adrenal Complete Panel
Stress is an important factor to consider when treating
autoimmunity and I suggest testing the function of your
stress hormones. High or low levels of stress hormones are
something I see in my practice almost daily. If testing does
indicate adrenal fatigue, you can follow the recommendations
covered in this week's video lesson and in the
downloadable resources.
This panel of tests is used to evaluate the function of the adrenal glands. These 8 test measure 41 different biomarkers to provide a full picture of your adrenal function.
The Adrenal Complete Panel includes the following tests
- Aldosterone/Plasma Renin Activity Ratio, LC/MS/MS
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
- DHEA Sulfate, Immunoassay
- Iron, Total
- Lipid Panel with Ratios
- Magnesium
- Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)
You will switch back to the meal plan for weeks three and five and continue your supplement regimen. I'll see you next Sunday for our final lesson, Your New Life!
Here are the meal plans, recipes, and shopping lists to follow this week and prep for next week.
Download: The Autoimmune Solution Program Meal Plan, Recipes eBook & Shopping Lists
(these will download as a zip file to your downloads folder on your computer. Double click it to open all of the files.)
Download:The Autoimmune Solution Cookbook Bonus Recipes
(these are 4 bonus recipes from my cookbook that you can add into your meal plans if you choose)
Week 6: Your New Life
The rubber meets the road in this lesson where we learn how to make The Myers Way® a way of life.
Welcome to the final week of The Myers Way® Autoimmune Solution Program! I am so proud of you for taking this important step in your health journey, and I am so excited to hear about your results.
I call my program The Myers Way® because it's truly about finding a new way of life. In this lesson I'll walk you through how to make the positive lifestyle habits you've put into place into a sustainable way of life. Let's begin!
STEP ONE: Celebrate with Me
STEP TWO: Complete Your Final Entry in the Symptom Tracker
I can't wait to see how much your overall inflammation has decreased! Fill out the symptom tracker to get your total inflammation for the week, and then update that, your current weight, and the average number of hours of sleep you got per night.
STEP THREE: The Myers Way® for Life Lesson
In this lesson I talk all about how to turn your new healthy habits into a way of life! We'll talk about how to follow the food reintroduction protocol, how to prioritize and taper off of your supplements, and how to find additional resources and support for this new phase of your journey.
STEP FOUR: Download My Resources for the Reintroduction Protocol
This week you'll begin the exciting process of food reintroduction! This process is completely optional, if you're feeling great and want to continue on my recommended autoimmune dietary protocol, you are more than welcome to. However, adding foods back in is a great way to identify your personal food sensitivities and increase variety in your diet.
You'll follow the reintroduction protocol and recipes found in the reintroduction recipes eBook (or recipes of your choice), and then track your reactions using the reintroduction food diary.
Download: The Myers Way® Reintroduction Recipes eBook
(with reintroduction protocol)
Download: The Myers Way® Reintroduction Food Diary
STEP FIVE: Check Out This Week's Recommended Reading
STEP SIX: Stay Active in the Community
It is so important to have a supportive community on your wellness journey, not only to keep you on track but also to inspire others. I hope you will stay active in the community and support those who are along for the ride.