Various fermented foods in mason jars - Health Experts Don't Say About Fermented Foods - Amy Myers MD®
Woman Waking Up with Headache - The SIBO & Histamine Intolerance Connection - Amy Myers MD®
Gut Health
Histamine Intolerance
The SIBO & Histamine Intolerance Connection
Are you dealing with histamine intolerance? If so, I’ll bet you’re frustrated by the symptoms that seem to come out of nowhere, ranging from headaches to an itchy runny nose, face flushing, unexplained anxiety, and a myriad of other health concerns....
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Various fermented foods in mason jars - Health Experts Don't Say About Fermented Foods - Amy Myers MD®
Health Focus
What Health Experts Don’t Say About Fermented Foods
Kombucha, sauerkraut, kefir, pickles and other fermented foods are touted as a “must have” for a healthy gut and microbiome by almost every functional medicine and natural health expert. Yet, there’s something health experts aren’t telling you about fermented foods.
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Woman looking pensive - How do I know it's Candida Overgrowth - Amy Myers, MD®
How Do I know It’s Candida Overgrowth?
You may have heard of Candida. You also may have heard it can “overgrow” in your body, causing a wide range of symptoms from brain fog, to nail fungus, itchy skin conditions, athlete’s foot, and even the dreaded vaginal yeast...
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The Stress & SIBO Connection
The Stress & SIBO Connection
Modern life is full of chronic stressors. These are often subtly present in your life, from smart devices and increasingly long working hours, to a steadily growing to-do list and a range of commitments that bombard you from all angles....
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Person holding stomach - SIBO Bloating & How to Overcome It - Amy Myers MD®
Gut Health
SIBO Bloating & How to Overcome It
Does your stomach swell up so much after eating a meal that you struggle to button your pants? Or maybe you wake up with a flat tummy, only to look 6 months pregnant by the end of the day! If...
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