If you haven’t heard, castor oil is a big buzzword in the wellness world. You might be looking for natural ways to support better digestion or alleviate body pain. Or, perhaps, you’re interested in facilitating detoxification and enhancing skin health. Maybe you heard it can help reduce wrinkles or help grow your hair. If so, castor oil packs may be for you! After all, the benefits of castor oil are numerous. 

Why would someone use castor oil packs? This easy-to-make natural remedy has been around for ages. Many use castor oil for skin health, while others use it for constipation. Castor oil helps lower inflammation and improve digestion. It may also ease aches and pains. Many women also notice remarkable beauty benefits when applying it topically.

As an advocate for natural and functional wellness, I’m excited to share the amazing benefits of castor oil packs with you! Before we begin, let me first address: what is castor oil?

What Is Castor Oil?

Castor oil is a thick, viscous oil that comes from the Ricinus communis plant. Native to warm regions, people use it to naturally address a variety of health concerns. People and machines harvest the castor beans and clean them. Next, the beans are mechanical or chemically processed to extract the oil. Today, castor oil is commercially harvested and used in cosmetics, textiles, and pharmaceuticals. It’s also used in detergents, lubricants, aviation, and automobile industries.

What makes castor oil an excellent choice for health and wellness? For starters, it’s a time-tested remedy ancient cultures used all over the course of history. Ancient Egyptians may have used castor oil medicinally for skin and eye concerns. They also may have used it as a means for expulsion. Ayurvedic medicine may have used it to assist in massage and detoxification. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believed castor oil offered anti-inflammatory benefits and would use it to relieve pain. 

What is castor oil good for? As you can see, castor oil is very versatile and offers internal and external health benefits. Today, it’s growing in popularity in both the holistic and alternative medicine world. People use castor oil for skin, while others use castor oil for constipation. Let’s talk about how to make a castor oil pack so you can enjoy the many benefits of this amazing oil 

How to Use Castor Oil Packs

There are many ways to use this oil. You can apply it to your scalp and skin, but many find the consistency to be much too thick. That’s why castor oil packs are so great! This gentle, non-invasive method allows you to reap all the castor oil pack benefits with minimal mess and hassle. 

Supplies Needed

You can put a castor oil pack together in minutes. You’ll need a few items to get started, including: 

  • Kitchen or sewing scissors (optional)
  • A piece of flannel or cotton cloth, preferably unbleached and organic
  • Glass jar or container
  • 100% pure, hexane free castor oil
  • Plastic or beeswax wrap
  • Elastic bandage (optional)
  • Warm compress, can be a heating pad or hot water bottle

Making Your Castor Oil Pack

Once you have all your items, it’s time to make your castor oil pack! Note that this oil does tend to stain. Whatever fabric you use, I advise it not be your favorite shirt or towel. Fit the piece of fabric by folding it around the area you wish to treat. You can also use scissors to cut the flannel or cloth to an ideal treatment size. Next, place the fabric in your glass jar or container. Gently pour the castor oil onto the fabric until it’s fully soaked. Give it a few seconds to saturate the fabric. 

Place your castor oil-soaked fabric directly on the desired treatment area. Readjust the cloth if needed. Cover your flannel or fabric with plastic or beeswax wrap. Make sure the wrap goes beyond the edges of your saturated fabric. This helps prevent any leakage. If you want to secure the castor oil pack further, use the elastic bandage. The bandage should be snug but not too tight. If it interferes with movement or breathing, loosen the bandage a little. 

Using Your Castor Oil Pack

Next, place your warm compress over the castor oil pack. Applied heat helps improve absorption and blood circulation. Ideally, you want to keep the pack on for 30 to 60 minutes. Make sure you’re comfortable. Consider grabbing a magazine or tuning into a podcast!

Once your time is up, remove the castor oil pack. You can either wash the fabric or discard it. Clean your jar and any other equipment that may get castor oil on it. As for the oil on your skin, you can choose to rub it into your skin or try to wash it off. If you prefer to wash it off, try using a liquid Castille soap. 

While castor oil packs are generally well tolerated, I must issue a word of caution. Make sure to do a small patch test on your skin to determine any potential allergic reactions. If your skin begins to sting, itch, or develop a rash, discontinue immediately.

Side effects while using castor oil packs are minimal. However, due to its laxative-like properties, you may find yourself having to empty your bowels more often. It may also encourage labor if taken internally, so I don’t recommend it for pregnant women. Lastly, keep your pets away from castor oil, as ricinoleic acid may be toxic to them.

How often should you do a castor oil pack? If you’re dealing with chronic digestive issues, you can apply a pack every day! However, if you find that to be too difficult, two to three times per week will still give you plenty of castor oil pack benefits. It’s a flexible natural remedy that works with your schedule. 

Benefits of Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, which makes up about 90% of its composition. It also has undecylenic acid. These unsaturated fatty acids are phytochemicals that offer a host of benefits for whole-body health. Let’s take a closer look. 

Supports a Healthy Inflammatory Response 

The ricinoleic acid in castor oil may help reduce inflammation in the body1 This is especially notable with localized inflammation, which often leads to pain, stiffness, and soreness. Those with joint pain, muscle soreness, and autoimmune conditions can greatly benefit from castor oil packs.

Aids in Pain Relief

In addition to lowering inflammation, castor oil contains analgesic properties that may also offer pain relief2 Many use castor oil packs during their menstrual cycle to relieve cramping. Athletes or those with fibromyalgia can use these packs to soothe muscle aches. It may even help alleviate severe headaches.

Promotes Digestive Health

One of the other benefits of castor oil packs is their ability to promote better digestion. The ricinoleic acid binds to receptors in the intestinal wall. Castor oil for constipation is another popular use, as the ricinoleic acid produces a laxative effect3

Proper liver function is another aspect of healthy digestion. The liver produces bile, which helps break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Castor oil packs can stimulate bile production in the liver and promote detoxification.

Supports Lymphatic System

Using castor oil for lymphatic system can help your body get rid of waste and toxins. Your lymphatic system runs alongside your circulatory system. Castor oil packs may enhance lymphatic circulation and drainage, as well as boost lymphocyte production. This can be highly beneficial for those with autoimmune conditions. 

Many people use castor oil packs to support healthy detoxification pathways. In addition to healthy liver and digestive function, they may help boost immune function through T-cells in the skin and augmentation of prostaglandins. Your skin has T-cell lymphocytes in them. There is a theory that absorbed castor oil triggers T-lymphocytes in the skin. This causes them to activate a local and/or general immune reaction4 Proper immune function is key to effective detoxification.

Promotes Healthy Skin

Castor oil for skin is all the rage right now. The oil’s rich fatty acid content offers deep hydration to dry, irritated skin5 It also contains vitamins and minerals. These work together to nourish and protect the skin. Dehydrated skin often accentuates fine lines and wrinkles. Applying a small amount of the oil to your skin may help reduce the look of premature skin aging. In addition, it can keep your skin soft and supple, promoting a youthful, radiant glow. 

Some people also experience fewer acne breakouts when using castor oil due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It may also soothe eczema breakouts. 

Aids in Stress Reduction and Relaxation

Warmth has a way of comforting the body and mind. The soothing effect of warm castor oil packs on the nervous system may promote relaxation. Reducing stress can help support healthy digestion and detoxification6 

Scientific Research and Evidence

Several studies point to the fact that castor oil benefits your health. However, the exact mechanisms are still unclear. Much of what we know regarding castor oil is anecdotal, although there are scientific studies and clinical trials that affirm its potential. 

While there are limitations on existing research, many clinical trials show promising evidence of castor oil’s potential in improving your health. However, many experts advise not consuming the oil due to possible toxicity and gastrointestinal issues7 Serious gastrointestinal discomfort and abdominal bleeding, shock, and pulmonary edema may occur if dosing and quality are not verified.

It’s hard to deny the benefits of castor oil packs. That said, I always recommend consulting your functional medicine practitioner before using castor oil. This is especially true if you are thinking of taking it internally. 

What To Look For In a Castor Oil

Once you decide you’d like to give castor oil packs a try, what should you look for to ensure you’re using quality oil? First off, make sure your castor oil is 100% organic. This helps reduce or eliminate the presence of harmful pesticides. It also ensures there are no additional ingredients or preservatives. You also don’t want it mixed with other oils. 

Next, look for cold-pressed, hexane free castor oil. Hexane is a poly-carbon solvent made from crude oil. While it’s used in many industries, you should avoid it. That’s because it falls into the same category as petroleum products. Petroleum in cosmetics can disrupt hormones and trigger an inflammatory response.

Final Word on Benefits of Castor Oil Packs

When it comes to enhancing your health, there seem to be endless options. Sometimes, however, it’s the ancient remedies that stand the test of time. Castor oil holds the key to many health benefits, including lowering inflammation and pain. It’s great for detoxing and can even nourish the skin to promote a more youthful appearance! Experiencing the benefits of castor oil packs has never been easier, thanks to the simple and easy DIY treatment I outlined above. 
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