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Dr. Myers’ Blog

Woman taking vitamin - Do You Need a Multivitamin? - Amy Myers MD®

If you eat a healthy diet, you may think you don’t need a multivitamin. Maybe you eat a Paleo, keto, Autoimmune, vegan, vegetarian, or whole-food diet. Or, you may eat a SAD (Standard American Diet). Either way, it can be…

Greens in a glass - Achieving Optimal Health With Organic Greens - Amy Myers MD®

It’s amazing all the incredible benefits you can get from a varied diet. Grass-fed or wild-caught proteins, healthy fats, and organic greens offer so many benefits. Many of these organic greens can be either fruits or vegetables. Did you know…

There are many ways to get protein in your diet. Fish, poultry, legumes, and some grains are great choices. While fresh and organic protein sources are best, sometimes it’s hard to squeeze that into your lifestyle. This is where paleo…

Woman holding knee - Top 5 Sources of Inflammation - Amy Myers MD®

What’s the number one root cause of nearly every modern, chronic illness? In my experience, the biggest culprit is often inflammation in the body.  That’s right, many of today’s conditions can be traced back to body inflammation. This includes cardiovascular…

Woman holding nose - Mold and Mycotoxins - Amy Myers MD®

You feel like you’re doing everything right, you you’re STILL struggling with chronic health issues. You’re frustrated with the constant fatigue, itchy or painful skin rashes, and anxiety. If that’s you, it’s time to look deeper. There may be a…

5 types of gut

Different body types share a lot of unique qualities. For example, you probably know your blood type, skin type, allergies, and family history of certain diseases. Not many know their gut type, though. That’s right, many struggle with stress gut,…

The quest for discovering how to fix leaky gut is no longer a mystery. You may be familiar with the basics, but if your digestive issues, eczema, brain fog, seasonal allergies, or other symptoms persist, don’t give up! Learning how…